Monday 9 September 2013


Yes, been a while.

Well, the fact is, the blog is meant to be about worship leading, and I haven't been leading worship for a good two months.  It's a chapter in my life that I thought may come to an end.

Yeah, yeah, once a worship leader etc, once God has a purpose planned for you etc etc.

But I recently found you don't have to be at the front of the church to lead worship...

Today, though, I have popped in to say that another chapter may be opening as something intriguing happened yesterday.

I guess I now have to exercise patience.

Friday 12 July 2013

Funny ol' turn of events

I've been asked to lead worship for a branch of the outreach I already lead worship for.

I don't know anyone at this place which is 30 miles away.

It got me to thinking that God still has a hand, and there's a reason for this interesting turn, caused again by the death of someone else.

Co-incidence?  No.  God-incidence.  Gotta do this just so I see what happens next.

Sunday 23 June 2013

...let me give you an example...

This is based on a viral that is going round social media, I can't remember it precisely, but this will do...

1 + 1 = 3
2 + 2 = 6
3 + 3 = 9

5 + 5 = ?

You may answer 15.  I did first time as well.

Actually, the answer is 10.

If you see a bundle of incorrect statements, there is no reason to follow the logic into another conclusion.  5 plus 5 is still 10, even if others say it isn't.

You see?

Thursday 20 June 2013

Concerned from Conwy

Sometimes I think I could fall foul of some Description Act, as I am not so much a Worship Leader lately, as someone who occasionally picks up a guitar and belts out a couple, once in a while.

Well - I suppose, once a WL, always a WL.  Feeling philosophical, rather than unduly worried about the path.  For I walk by faith, not by sight.

Anyway, I have made a rare appearance here to state a concern of mine.

New Age.  Cue screams.

It is infecting many churches, and the odd Christian acquaintance.  What is worrying is that they don't realise.

New Age is a poison.  Unfortunately it tastes nice.  It is the fruit that Satan says looks and taste good and "Ye shall not surely die".

I would that they could hear themselves when they talk about "re-alignment" and "inner being" and "embracing" various doctrines which sound good but always make my mind go off on a tangent.

The Gospel, the Good News, is simple.  Coming to Christ is an easy prayer of faith, which if you say and mean (and the prayer itself does not need to be complicated - "Help!" will do) will change your life.  Thereafter, you do not need to feel some sort of deep spirituality.

It's quite simple.  Live by faith.  Trust Him.  He'll see you right.

Trouble is, we like to overcomplicate because it surely can't be that easy.

Buster - I find those simple statements difficult enough.  Don't make it harder.

This musing might have significance later.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

10,000 Reasons

I read somewhere that the average person meets 10,000 people in their lifetime - presumably these are individuals with whom we interact in some way - more than a glance and/or a smile, but exchange a handshake or even a few words at least.

How many of those 10,000 influence the way we are, that have shaped our way of thinking, or even quote or talk about, years later?

Out of curiosity today, I went looking for one of those influences - and found that the Lord had taken him earlier this year.

He was an old man, in his nineties at least, and I am somewhat sorry that the last convo I had with him was shortly before his wife died over 10 years ago.  But I still talk about him, because he changed the way I thought about deliverance and miracles.  No longer can I say "he's still going, as far as I know" because He has decided that he deserves some meandGod time now, until the final day.

I may cry later, as I consider the 18 months where he held the most influence.  But, if it weren't for him, I probably would be a completely different person.

Another one of the 10,000 reasons to thank Him for putting the right person in your life at the right time.

Monday 22 April 2013

Finding God

Interesting, nay, exciting things going on in Wales (well, Cwmbran at least)

Love reading about where He is seriously outpouring blessings to those willing to receive them.

The regular reader will know I'm a bit of a Jeremiah, and can sense a "but" coming on.


...but... (now you can't say I don't disappoint)

Some of the leaders around my area are going down to Cwmbran over the next week to experience and see for themselves what is going on.  Must admit, if I were a leader too, I may consider it my duty to check out how a church is doing better than ours.  But to "experience" what is going on?  I hope not - but I feel that too many may be going with false expectations, that they will be filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit, and we'll all need shades to look at them when they come back.  The very best they can hope for is a reunion of the leaders around Wales - and this, my friends, is the beginning of unity and you know how I love to bang on about that.  I hope they get their socks blessed off.  I hope they witness healing and deliverance in abundant measure.  But is it all going to happen in Cwmbran?

Those that realise, well, actually, we can seek God's presence wherever and whenever they go then start dreaming about how revival can start in the very church they attend (or lead).  Or, in fact, revival will start where they are. And this is a worrying trend.  In social media, you get these "attend my church" notices, because "there are exciting things going on" - admirable, really...but what about the others?  Even in Cwmbran, there's a group saying "well, actually, revival didn't start there it started here..and in fact you can trace it back as far as here..." - makes you despair.

Is it not enough that lame are walking, deaf are hearing, blind are seeing, the bound are being set free?  Does it matter where revival is and do you have to go to Cwmbran to find it?

I got to thinking that a lot of people in the Bible who went off to find God, e.g. Moses, Elijah, Jesus, actually went into the wilderness - the most barren and unlikely place you can think of - and found Him.  Makes you think about those that go to the wildest gatherings, because something is "happening" they have to be there, forgetting we have a personal Christ too.

Someone once said to me, that whenever revival starts, someone, somewhere tries to control it and it is taken out of God's hands.  If God isn't in control, revival comes to a grinding halt.

And it definitely can't be done if the church aren't united with a single Holy, God-given purpose, regardless of location and logistics.

Monday 15 April 2013

And the new number 1 is....

Yesterday, I came across a list proclaiming to be the "101 Greatest Christian Songs".  Now, I lost faith with music charts a long time ago, they stopped being a proper representation of taste fairly early on.  All the same, I do like looking at them, because very often they give me inspiration for the "next big thing" within whatever group or church I happen to be leading in.

I should have guessed before I clicked on the link I would run into trouble, exclamations of "Who?" and "What?" and "Never heard of it!" emitted from my lips.  Then I saw that this was one person's opinion, and I suspect he is less than 25 years old.   I don't think there was anything on there older than 10 years, maybe even 5 years.  In a homage to pastures old, it did have "How Great Thou Art", but I suspect that was only on there because of Chris Tomilin's "The Splendour of the King".  10,000 Reasons was on there, but way way behind One Thing Remains which was in the top 10.  Now, about the latter.  Great chorus.  Love singing it, despite some WL penchant of playing it too darn high.  But...think about 10 years time will it still have the appeal, or will it have gone down the hole that Be Bold, Be Strong was consigned to 20 years ago?  Or will we be finding ten thousand reasons?

Call me fuddy duddy and completely outta touch but I believe I'm right that a lot of this guy's chart will have lost its "fashion" thing will remain.  He is young, but he will learn.  Church congregations love to learn new songs.  But moreso they love beautiful tunes, and simple words packed with power.  These are the greatest Christian songs of all time, no matter how much one particular chorus has meant to you.  I love newbies such as My Heart is Restless and God Only Wise.  I will not give them a kiss of death and say they will end up great.  They stir my soul.  They may not mass stir souls to greatness.

Why do you think In Christ Alone and Be Still are still the most played and sung in churches?  Neither of those were in his chart, but those two mean so much to so many people and have influenced Christian song writing.  In Christ Alone seems to be requested at hatches, matches and despatches everywhere as it is inter-denominational.

Great is what touches, and can change hearts.