Saturday, 12 November 2011

Over confidence?

Some weeks ago, when I first began "officially" worship leading at church, I picked a chorus "that everyone surely knows"

Actually, they didn't.  It was a somewhat lesser known chorus, only I'd heard it on Premier and on a worship cassette to the point where it was extremely familiar to me, but not many others.

I'm getting rather nervous about tomorrow.  I thought I hadn't made the same mistake again, I was maybe a little over confident in introducing two new(ish) choruses, in the hope that being from the stable of a very well known worship leader, one or two others in the group would know them already.  Erm.  No.

The group likes them, so they're going to be played, but are the congregation going to receive them?  Yes, I shouldn't really be overtly concerned with that, but have I trusted more in my own instincts, rather than listening to the Spirit?

I guess on the one hand I'm thinking that if I have gone awry, it's a lesson learned, but if I haven't...prayer is what is needed here.  Maybe I'll have more thoughts tomorrow.

My own pain and troubles have eased somewhat, but haven't gone away entirely.  In some ways it's helping me focus my mind, which has resulted in this self-doubt.

Yes.  There's bound to be a testimony at the end of all this.  I'm glad it's God who's penning it.

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