Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Plans afoot

I've pretty much decided now.

I will be taking some time away from home, it will be fairly soon, and I will be breaking away (briefly) from WL.

A few weeks ago, I believe God was asking me to break for 2 weeks at least - not only no practice or Sundays, not picking up the guitar at all.  I will be going away for 4 days at least (so that will make it easy, won't lug a guitar around the distance I'm going) - what about the other 10 days?  Not easy.  Considering I had to be cajoled into picking it up again, back in Feb/March 2011 (how far I've come since then), this will be hard, hard, hard, coupled with a fear that if I dropped it once so easily, will 2 weeks turn into 10 years, as last time....?

Yep, I'm being a drama queen, life is different now, my attitude is different and I have encouragement from a dozen sources, unlike 10 years ago.  I am perhaps being a petulant kid - the sweetie jar is being put out of my reach until I focus on what is really important and just Who I'm doing this for anyway.

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