Sunday, 13 January 2013

Drifting (again) or should that be a rolling stone?

Hebrews 10:25 was nagging me last night, so I guess that the Boss was trying to tell me something.  I got the message, I need a good week.

And another new church.

The worship was fab.  I had forgotten just how much I'd missed really good praise and worship, and singing Bless the Lord, 10,000 Reasons at one point, feeling the pentecostal spirit erupting in there, but...

...I had reservations about a few other things, which got me thinking about my future in the churches, and the ones I've been to recently.

In one, the preacher is brilliant, but the worship is scheduled in too much, rather than spontaneous.  Another is friendly, small, but with power, but the worship is too restrained, and certain other things need reining in (it is a baby church, so these messes are cleared up in time).  Another, the worship is free (a bit too free actually) the messages are powerful and stuff is happening....but controlled by a clique within the church and input is not encouraged from others.

If only all the good stuff was in one church building, because a lot of the issues that bother me I don't think I could live with for more than a few weeks.

Yes yes yes I know there is no such thing as a perfect church.  I should go find one that I can be at least 80% happy...

Few people have taken me seriously with an idea I have though, that God doesn't want me to be in any one church building, that I can go round 5 or 6 churches on a sort of rota.  From there I see the whole picture, where there's a prophecy in one fulfilled in another.  (Actually I witnessed such this morning.  And someone said to me how blessed they are by my worship in the outreach group.  Y'see, God knew I needed to hear that.)

I am not forsaking the coming together.  OK, a rolling stone gathereth no WL job, but as I said, this I sense is becoming secondary to my being.

I've never had the travel bug, but going round lots of different churches to see and hear what is a exciting is that?

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