Thursday, 22 September 2011

Catchup and Pickup

Monday I was worrying about the song choices.  I think maybe I'll save that for a later post, because there's quite a testimony behind it.  The pivotal hymn is still there, but no less than 3 were dropped from the original lineup.

Anyway, for some time I've been thinking about getting a new guitar.  My current one does not have a pickup or tuner, although that isn't a problem for me or PA man, it would be a nice-to-have.  And although I do have all sorts of tuning implements, tuning 12 strings can be a pain.  Many a time I've sweated 5 minutes before start of play on Sunday trying to get them all sounding nicely in tune.

The current guitar could be converted, be sanded down and repolished, new bridge maybe and definitely new machine heads.  But.  I am rather emotionally attached to it as it is.  It's had a hard 6 months and I want to give it a holiday from being bashed around, doing a task that takes it to the very limit of the intended purpose.  For sentimental reasons, I do not want to change the very essence of what it is, and selling it would be unthinkable.  There's a lot of history in that guitar, it would be almost like chopping off a part of me - or getting Botox injections :-).  I'd lose something of myself if I sold it, or it wouldn't look like I wanted to remember it, even if it looked better - ugh maybe I haven't explained that too well, but I know what I mean.

This one looks a beauty, one fit for purpose and serious.  Not too expensive, not too cheap.  Tuner and pickup, the latter I will discuss with PA man, who recently installed a new setup.  Next Thursday (day off) I'm going to Llandudno to see if I can play one and see how it sounds.


  1. Great idea for a blog... brings back so many memories as I did this job for so many years! I also used a 12 string Eko guitar originally, with a clip on pick-up that worked ok at the time. Don't rush into buying a replacement, do it, yes, as 12 string is not always easy, but make sure you're really comfortable with the new one as it will live with you for a long time. My second guitar needed refurb with fret filing and upgrade pick-up but still not fantastic. Currently I love my Millenium 2000, Ovation Collectors' Series - Limited Edition but it's getting on in years now and not considered 'cool'. Built in tuner and a serious EQ are fun tho. Look at Takomine maybe as they're the worship team standard?
    Have fun... it's the best job in the church!

  2. Thank you David. I saw and picked up a 6 string version of the Freshman today, to guage size and weight - so far, so good, man says I can order a 12-string from him if I decide on that one. I will look at your suggestion though, and yes, it will be done very, very, VERY carefully. :-)
