Come on and Celebrate
Jesus, Hope of the Nations
I will never be the same again
Take us to the river
Jesus, be the Centre
It's going to be difficult to put into words what happened this morning, and there is a lot to say. Maybe I will manage to say it in one post, maybe postpone some until tomorrow, we'll see.
The pivotal hymn was Take Us To The River, and had a very good, nay, anointed, reception for our first time. When I practiced it earlier this week I had that "tingle" which told me that the hymn was right for the week, and the choruses that were picked around it (and this took time to work out) slotted in perfectly. The pastor has requested it for next week too - which may be a problem as all 5 have already been picked. Something is telling me to still go ahead with what we have; there is no hymn next week, so I can shorten the last two choruses.
A couple of months ago, we had visitors from a satellite TV station. The worship was just my predecessor, me, and the pianist. The anointing that fell that night was incredible, so overwhelming I felt privileged to be part of it.
Which was exactly how I felt this morning as the anointing fell early on and built to a crescendo (earlier post, blessings come back at you via God when the congregation praise God during worship).
I needed it; that morning had started badly, and I couldn't help but think of my post yesterday which spoke of the eye of the hurricane. I was prayed for before the service, and the clarinetist prayed that the worship would be so good even the rocks will sing.
The sound coming from the rocks was deafening.
During the last chorus, my fingers locked up as if arthritic or tired. I could have prayed for the strength to return. Instead, I wondered if God was trying to tell me to stop playing. I stopped playing. I sang. Everyone stopped playing, apart from the flute. Just the beautiful woodwind and our voices in harmony. The Spirit flowed like a wind through the congregation. How can I describe it? Overwhelming love.
I noticed, fairly late in the week the pattern that emerged from the choruses this week, without me even realising it:
- The Rock who is Christ
- The Fire of the Spirit
- The Water that cleanses
- The Wind which revives
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