Tuesday, 28 February 2012

And in other news

Gonna stop being a Jeremiah - for a while at least.

When I first got my mp3 player late last summer I heaped loads of stuff onto it.  It's a Holy, Sanctified, mp3 player.  It has never had a secular track on it.  I won't say it is blame free as there just might be debatable doctrine on it.  But it has become a resource (as was the plan at the beginning) and even now, with it on "random shuffle" I'm hearing tracks not heard before by me, or not for ages (there's approx 36 hours play time on it) and I'm going ohmanohmanohman have to do this one.

Needless to say, I'm probably driving my bandmates up the wall with such behaviour.  But they do love me.  Well at least I hope so.

Anyway, this random ripping took its toll, insofar that the tags were all over the show.  So I've spent the last few weeks re-doing all the tags, something that some may see as akin to cleaning bathroom grout with a toothbrush.  Strangely satisfying, but technically frustrating/boring.  Just finished, in time for the, whisper, {coming apart}.  Er-hem.

Perhaps the most irritating part of all this was the Kingsway tags on the various commercial CD's I've bought from them.  Take SOF 5 f'r'instance.  One CD has 3 tracks with lower case titles, the rest show a title of Track 4, Track 5 etc, with absolutely nothing on the tags to state what it is and who it is by.  Another CD has been tagged pretty much perfectly.  The other suffers from lower case syndrome.

Why, when they were in the same box were they tagged completely differently?  Well, this just takes my mind off other things I suppose...

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