Thursday, 2 February 2012

Feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones...

Where the worship for Sunday is preplanned, we have a special praise and worship night on Saturday and this will be more spontaneous.

Originally I thought I might be on my own for this, making it very spotaneous, but it's perhaps just as well that I'm not, and have rounded up around 16 or 17 well known hymns/choruses (plus a "surprise" for my church, which may be well known to the other churches invited to this shindig).  This has made a sort of "hymn book" of likelies, and this is obviously easier on the musicians to sense the route with me.  As I was pairing them up last night (key and theme) and looking at possible "routes" through, I was struck deep down in my spirit.

Just like a lot of Sundays, a theme had emerged, and this wasn't by my own effort; I "chorusstormed" to get thus far (picked choruses that I had a good feeling about).  The theme?  Revival.

I have always been highly cynical about the subject, oh yeah, yahdeyahdeyahda, great rivival due, lots of talk, no action.  Actually, I think that a lot of Christians secretly feel the same way.  They don't get angry with God over this, more exasperated with their leaders - after all, they are supposed to be "tuned in".

Something very special is about to occur, I can sense it.  I don't know if it's revival, revelation or revolution.  I don't know whether to say anything to anybody about this or not....

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