For all sorts of reasons, I found myself weighing up whether or not to go to my regular place of worship this Sunday.
Some may think I'm throwing some sorta hissy-fit-strop if I don't turn up, but I really really really have my reservations about the program this Sunday. I decided that I'm going to have to pray in that it will work, and it will bless, despite what that may mean...
...but then again, I know I have two mortals that have admitted that they're my biggest fans. It's great to have backup in this life, tears spring to my eyes when I think of it, and I just see myself as so so blessed.... pray for it to be a success, because mortal conflict cannot get in the way of Daddy's Will. And turn up, because I believe He wants me to show visible support.
Back here, I said how renewed motivation had got me preparing choruses well in advance of ever needing them, well at the moment that not only includes that which we all should know, but more besides. In the past, I've ignored choruses that I feel don't suit our congregation. Now, if it packs a punch in my spirit, it's getting added to a work in progress list for Musescore, the words file AND chord sheet - I have disciplined myself to do these at the same time and write up the chord sheets as soon as I have no more than 6 or so pending. I feel strongly that doing all these more modern and slightly more contemporary choruses are not the waste of time I may have felt previously. This means the Boss is getting me prepared for something. I have some thoughts in mind of why He's doing this, in a nutshell, I think there are busy times ahead where I can do little, if any administration, because I'll need to be doing. How exciting is that?
But I'm making some wonderful discoveries, even amongst old choruses. It's like going through a jam-packed attic, lots of hard slog but with small rewards. I've "found" one which, if I manage to get through it without becoming a puddle (haven't managed it in practice yet), I feel strongly He has asked me to do as the "pivot" Sunday week - it is beautiful in its simplicity...yet over 20 years old! I heard it on a Christian radio station a few days ago, I completed what I needed to for me and group, it's all ready to go. God I think is reminding me not to neglect the old amongst the new, in a similar fashion I say to people 'Don't neglect the Old Testament, for the Old Testament is Jesus Christ concealed, the New is Jesus Christ revealed.' As such, old choruses still have the sparkle of annointing that came through the writer's fingers from the Boss.
All these blessings help me forget the realities of certain situations in my life, and trouble and heartache in particular from an area where I should not. But He constantly reminds me that He's in charge. I can't, I won't have it any other way.
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