Yesterday, I got a surprise, not an unpleasant one, somewhat pleasing, but made me feel somewhat uncomfortable and maybe a little guilty...
Y'see, in a previous life, before February 2011 when I re-committed myself to Christ, I had fingers in other pies, other stuff occupying the part of my brain that needs constant stimulation. (If I had been born 30 years later, I would have been diagnosed with ADD and my school would have got a lot of money for me. But it's just simply I need more to do than most, else I get bored. Simple as that. I don't have a particularly high IQ, but when I lack stimulation I get bored, when I get bored I get frustrated, when I get frustrated I start losing self-worth. My opinion: parents have lost the art of playing with their kids.)
Anyway, yesterday, this previous life came and smacked me on the nose (nicely) with a dedication in a (re-issued) book from a series that I used to absorb almost voraciously.
I am flattered, really. It was the sort of thing I used to dream about..but now, that dream has been replaced with a real place that I hope to go to one day, permanently, rather than spend split-seconds during particularly spiritual worship. Yes, worthy dreams now. Considering that the dedication includes mention of something which I shed a couple of months ago as "not unlawful, but not expedient either"...ahh this could bring on the blushes, and I need to break this to the author, gently.
It wouldn't hurt to reinstate that which I shed. It wouldn't take over my life as it did prior. Something else has taken over, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So maybe I will, and firstly I need to apologise to the author....secular or not, it isn't his fault...
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