Friday, 11 May 2012

Find me in the river

I'm going through a bit of an odd stage.

I've been "unwell" all week.  I've put that in inverted commas because despite it being rather flu like, and has left its calling card of a sore throat and cough, I'm of the attitude:  Pfffft.  Spiritually I feel like I've been through a lot worse in the last 6 months.  This is a minor inconvenience in comparison.  So, despite the feelings of breathlessness after a coughing fit engendering sympathy from some quarters, {takes on teenage demeanour} I'm, like, 'whatever', {teenage mode off}.  But....

I've had a successful afternoon, I've picked the choruses and hymns for two Sundays, or at least He has.  I asked, so I chorusstormed and out they came.  A few of the transitions have got me quite excited actually.  (Particularly for a special guest week) But....

Oh, and I've nearly come to the end of Stage 1 of the Great Music Project.  Stage 2 - the cataloguing, will be the key stage, because if I keep it properly up to date, it will prove invaluable when chorusstorming, because I'll be able to tell, at a glance, what I have, in what key and where it could fit, without having to trawl through a chord sheet file (or two).  The odd personality I am, I'm almost sorry it's got to the organisational stage, y'know, my WL life should be easier from hereon.  It doesn't mean that I have no more work to do on Musescore, oh no.  But any work I do on MS will be for research or experiments only, not panicitstuesdayandthemusiciansdon'thaveanymusic mad rush that it has been in the past.  But....

Yes, it seems I have teenage syndrome in my spiritual life.  Am I sulking?  The problems that I've referred to (OK, rather abstractedly on here) have not gone away, and I've been brooding on them again.  I think it's time to speak to my friends again, but I won't see them for a it really necessary?

I've decided whilst writing this, when I get into Bible study this evening I'm going to seek answers, comfort and a bit of discipline from the Boss.  After all, my problems are His as well.  I need to know is it me, or something to pray into for change?

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