Sunday, 8 July 2012

Relaxed, but overwhelmed with love

Wonderful taste of what could be in church this morning.  I'll say no more than that.

I was comfortable as a member of the congregation.  I didn't feel weird or out of position, I was just worshipping my God in spirit and truth.  It was a very relaxed service too, not always following the scheduled songs.  I sung one a cappella and everyone joined can take the girl away from worship leading, but you can't take the worship leader out of the girl.  Felt terrific, but I thought how members of the cong can also be worship leaders, without taking away the authority from the one in the front.  I'm going to think on that one a bit.

A chat with my friend (who is also temporarily in charge for a few weeks) and we've agreed I will concentrate on the other event next weekend, and resume Sundays the week after.  That said - I had a request made of me for the following weekend...

I am a bit overwhelmed with the blessings, and the duties God is requiring of me.  Can I by my own strength?  No, but I can by His.

I also confided in my friend my spiritual issues, particularly this burden I appear to have for my predecessor.  You need to keep praying for them, they said.  That I can do, I just feel so helpless, though.  Why are they weighing so heavy?  Well, just maybe that's because God needs me to provide strength for one that is weak, and yet when I think of words to describe them, weak isn't one of them.

Maybe this situation is an exception.  Something else to think on.

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