Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Slow to wrath

OK.  So I get a phone call from the same person as last week.

I didn't lose my temper this time.  Result.

But you know when you repeat yourself over and over again, because the person doesn't believe you?

"That is all that is written."

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else."

"No extra notices or signposts or words?"

"Nothing else."

"Nothing mentioning X, Y or Z?"

"Nothing else."  Hey, I was polite, but if speech could be bolded and underlined, you would have perceived that listening to me.

Finally, the person gives up and I guess this isn't the end of the chapter, but please God he doesn't phone up asking the same question, but I get someone who believes what I say.

But this is the problem with the human race - we just don't believe or trust one another, and frankly, whether you believe the Garden of Eden was literal or an analogy, can you really blame us?

This has got my mood somewhere in the region of "Pffffftt" and got me thinking about the stuff that has really been bugging me...

...and I then hated myself for allowing them to bug me.  This Saturday, and the following Saturday, yes, I'm ready for them, or at least I know that God wants me to do them, and that means it will go OK as long as I'm doing it for Him.  But I'm starting to question again whether I'm ready for Sundays.

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