Monday, 31 October 2011

Chorus block

I thought I had them for next week, today I'm not so sure.

I'm trying to balance out ones we know along with a couple that I feel led to do in a couple of weeks.

Sitting here typing this, I think I know the answer.  I'm going to have to look through my books and chorusstorm lists again, forget the above statement, and do the ones His Spirit wants, not what I want.

They could be new, they could be old.  I should be stressed.  Instead I'm quite excited with what He will show me.

Sunday, 30 October 2011


When I got a new guitar, I envisioned it having its debut at practice, or maybe Friday night Bible study (which I'm covering this coming Friday).  After playing it last night, and it already feeling liking a second skin, it was only right and proper that it has started as it means to go on; for Sundays.

Worship this morning:

Strength Will Rise
Lord I come before Your throne of Grace
Filled With Compassion
We Declare Your Majesty
This is my Desire

(Also, unplanned, almost a cappella, once through I worship You, Almighty God)

Guitar was hooked up wirelessly, through a box clipped onto my strap.  No longer do I have to stay close to the mic stands.

Lots of wonderful testemonies this morning too, after I shared mine.  The general feel was that God helps us and blesses us in the little things; a new guitar and various car troubles, along with prayer for a change of job for our flautist.

It was so wonderful to play a guitar that I could fully trust, without worrying about it going out of tune, or, horrors, a string snapping, which I have had fears of for some time, the machine heads really being on their last legs.  And it sounded beautiful.  The strings are D'addario, which I haven't experienced before, I now don't want to buy any others in future.

And - another tongue and interpretation/prophecy after worship ended.  The church really is maturing and lapping up spiritual gifts.

The other debut, Filled With Compassion, new to the congregation, picked up pretty much perfectly by the group on Thursday, was spot on for the message theme, judgement; being certain of our own salvation and passing the news onto others.  It was only right that we also played it after the sermon.  Scared a couple of the pew sitters, but we need to be shifted out of our comfort zone once in a while.

Not for the first time in recent weeks am I sorry that I'm back home, and worship is over for another week.  Trying not to think about the fact that I haven't really sorted out what they are going to be next week, let alone what I'm going to do for Bible study.  Will pray about it, with my books, later on today.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Joy overflowing

I've been weary this week, culminating on Thursday night with a request (24 hours notice) to do Friday night worship at Alpha.

It was OK - but I was average.   Sacrifice of praise it was not.  I was tired and I'm not sure whether I really wanted to be there.  The DVD was Gumbel's talk on the church and unity; which was interesting as I have been thinking about that a lot lately.  Thought last night that I hadn't blogged in a few days, and perhaps I did have a few things that I wanted to say, but I guess it didn't weigh heavy enough on me to actually start typing.  Life, as they say, just got in the way.

What was still at the back of my mind was That Guitar.  I'm off work for a week, and the plan was to get in front of me Monday morning and phoning round for the Freshman that was nearly invading my dreams.  I don't think I've prayed specifically for it, just a deep yearning, a need for something that will help take the worship forward, and be just a little more professional.  For those new here, you can read my earlier musings on this by clicking on the "guitar" tags.

I go to Colwyn Bay every Saturday for singing lessons.  I was about 20 minutes early, and although I wasn't hoping for much, I tried the music shop just behind the market.  (I'd tried there before, they had Freshmans, but not the one I wanted).  Just maybe.   Just maybe I might see something, or maybe have a chat about him ordering one in, with no pressure to buy it...

...wandered in.  Looked around.  Guy asked me if there was anything I was looking for in particular.  "Yes, a 12-stri-..." - There, on the rack....There She Was.  The very Freshman I wanted.  Quickly had a strum on it (only 10 minutes to singing at this point) - fell in love straightaway.  "Only had this a few days." man said.  Of course you had, I thought, because God had made sure it was there for me to find it.

Walking on air to singing lessons.  Couldn't concentrate for my excitement.  Bought guitar after singing.  Came home still circling the clouds.  I am so happy, I am praising God for this and the resources that were available for me to buy it.

Am I being totally daft over a piece of wood?  I don't really care.  I now have a serious instrument, and my poor Epiphone can go into retirement.  My joy really is overflowing.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Music Makers

Jdg 5:3  Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel. (KJV 1611)

I was thinking about genres, and how diverse Christian music is nowadays.

It seems to me that, in the seventies, much like secular music, your choice was minimal – either something for “official” occasions, or sugary sweet choruses.  I’m probably over generalising – of course there was an emergence of good music at places like Greenbelt, but on the whole accessibility to the alternatives was limited.

Just flicking through Songs of Fellowship or Mission Praise gives you a good idea of how Christian music has adapted.  There are new hymns which both young and old enjoy, but also writers that have targeted specific age groups and/or attitudes.  Like Garage?  Hip Hop?  Dance?  Club House?  Ibiza?  Easy Listening?  Folk?  Celtic mood?  Chill?  Punk?  Metal?  AOR?....God’s got it covered with someone, somewhere, because Jesus got into their life and now they express themselves through the music they enjoy.

For the WL picking through these and finding the truly anointed gems that will suit your church is tricky.  They have to suit the age range of the church and also the mood.  I try to keep as up to date as possible by downloading/buying generic worship mixes, and listen to new ones when I can.  Most weeks, I download the freebie from Kingsway, but if I don’t like it, or I know it won’t suit the church, I don’t bother.  I think this week’s is a bit “yoof” for my taste, and one a few weeks back sounded like an X-factor finalist.  But – despite my dismissals, if these groups or artists get through to just one person, one less person is saved from the fire.

I used to have the attitude that only certain types of music should be allowed in church, but I’ve completely changed my mind on this.  The language of music has been powerful since before the time of David.  What tongue or dialect doesn’t matter.  The fact is music can be all things to all people and a powerful instrument in getting people closer to God.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Refiner's Fire

Worship this morning:

Holy, Holy God Almighty
Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining
How Deep the Father's Love for Us
Don't Let My Love Go Cold
Jesus, my Strength

Before we started, the pastor had three words given to him at around 6.00am this morning: Presence, Worship and Gold.

...I think God covered it with the worship.  :-)

In fact, refiner's fire was the theme this morning, and earlier in the week the Spirit led me to recognise within myself a bad emotion that I've had since I was kid.  I prayed on Friday night that Jesus would free me of it, as I did not want to feel it anymore.  I hadn't hurt anyone, physically or emotionally, but it was cutting me up inside.  Time will tell if I do feel it again, I believe if I do, it will be with less intensity, until one day, Hallelujah, I'll realise that it has gone, the repentance and cleansing work will be over.

I've picked the songs (or at least, God has) for next week, and I did it again - I mixed up two songs when giving them to the pianist.  (Circle on wall, write bang head here hard)  I have my concerns about one which may be too high, but to be safe I didn't say that one to him, in case I change it again.  The pivotal hymn I heard on my mp3 player, and I felt that "pang", love at first hearing, which I just know is the Spirit telling me that this is the Word that He wants me to convey.  Another newbie for the church (but is around 17 years old).

We all agreed how good worship was this morning.  Can I keep this up? I asked the pastor.  Pray for more he said.  What I have to bear in mind is that this isn't by my own efforts.  Yes, I did pretty well in my previous career, by my own efforts, and was slapped hard when I failed to achieve the expectations that were required of me, a level that had been set by previous performance.  This is no performance, this is duty.  In some ways it is easier that my Creator is in charge, but I'll feel worse failing Him than the church.  I was actually slightly nervous this morning, and you know...I think this is a good thing....

Friday, 21 October 2011


I'm feeling doubts creep in again.   I hope that some, if not all, of those feelings will be assuaged on Sunday.

There is an interesting blog post on Kingsway this week.  Is our worship costly?  I've always struggled with the concept of Worship Leaders receiving a salary, to me it seems natural that our payment for the sacrifice of praise is the knowledge we're doing His will.  But as I ponder this, I realise that we are the descendants of the Levites, who received a share of the offerings of the people, and Paul himself said that, although he did not personally get a salary from anyone, those who give full time to the church should receive due payment.  But I sometimes wonder why churches advertise for WLs.  If their church size justifies paying salaries to a team, surely they can look from within?  (Or perhaps they did, and failed)

I was pretty gratified though that the questions that Nikki asks of us in the third paragraph, I can say "Yes" to each one (just about, if I'm honest with one or two, need to work on that), except one which is not applicable (I don't receive a salary for what I do in the church).  If a WL answers "No" to three or more, they seriously need to examine themselves, and get their motivation right.

Money is not my motivation anymore, for anything.  Sure, I worry about money sometimes, in addition to not getting paid for my voluntary, and willing, servitude, the salary I get paid in the job I'm in now is the lowest possible, and I'm part time to boot.  I love my employer.  I won't say who they are (people close to me know) as I want to stay within the boundaries of their rules, and even though I could only say good things about them, they have plenty of trumpet blowing sites elsewhere and they can do it better than me.  Their motivation is their clients, and instilling that same attitude in their employees; the salaries are OK - nothing more, people are paid a fair salary for what they do, rather than other charities I could mention who pay overblown remuneration to try and motivate the best people into the vacancies.  Actually, I understand the latter's position; but to get yourself into the former position, successfully, makes you a world leader.

More than ever, I feel that something big is about to happen at our church.  It won't be small for much longer, and my rather conservative nature has to prepare for change.  Just so long God is in charge, we'll be OK - and won't implode.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Getting close to inspiration overload

OK - I half prayed for some fresh music for the church (particularly lively praise choruses)

I downloaded a worship album from Kingsway, and also bought 2 CD box sets of mixed worship from same, ripped and copied to my mp3 player.  It's pretty exciting switching on the player, as I haven't heard a lot of them before, a new adventure every day, as I have it on permanent shuffle.

Inevitably, there are some that I should remove from the player as they are far too contemporary for me, let alone the church, but this isn't the problem.  The problem is I hear one that sounds great, perfect even for introduction to the church, but I often don't have pen and paper handy and my memory is terrible.  So I'm going to have to carry a notepad around, and when I hear one that sounds good, to note it down to look up in my books later.  (There is an excellent chance of them being in any of the SOFs - being mostly Kingsway)

Three lively praise choruses have come out of my mp3 player in the last week, more than what we need going forward, also two or three slower worship and an absolutely gorgeous hymn.

I realised early on that the mp3 player really is an essential resource for the WL, coupled with SOF, a Source or two (Mission Praise is probably handy, but I personally don't have a copy), and anything the rest of the group have sitting in their garage.

It's all coming together.  I just hope He stops before my brain fries.  :-)

Monday, 17 October 2011


Attached the right file, but listed the wrong song in the email to the group.  They aren't even by the same WL, although I guess they are similar styles, they share one word,...oh yeesh, I'm making excuses for myself - one of them wasn't even in the running for consideration.

I'm laughing about it now, but I was having a mini panic in bed last night, until eventually I thought, this can surely wait..

..I really am changing.  If you think this is minor, you should have known me a year ago.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Growth and Gremlins

Worship this morning:

Praise Is Rising
Come, Now is the Time to Worship
 (shared some scripture: Ecc 10 v 4 and Eph 6.  When something is sitting heavily on my heart, I know it's the Spirit telling me to share it)

Oh, to See the Dawn
(some talk, communion and then gently leading to..)

Jesus, All for Jesus
Holy Spirit, How I Love You

Gremlins in the PA system today, leading PA man to command it out in the Name of Jesus.  Demon went quiet after that, or left.

A new experiment today, the last two were practically merged together, I was drifting back and forth between them as the Spirit led.  I find Jesus a bit difficult to lead as you can start and finish the verses anywhere, leaving the musicians confused as to which repeat was needed.  Needs some work....

I feel I'm being a bit too factual, maybe self critical, about a morning that was truly wonderful.  The Spirit fell at the end, a wind you could feel and hear as most of the congregation sung in the tongues of angels.  Also, it was good to see the church growing Hallelujah, there were a few extra bods there who may be back.  It truly is an exciting time for the church, and I now feel quiet, somewhat tired maybe, or concerned about tomorrow with my tooth getting seen to, maybe I'm cautious, apprehensive about the future?  I really wish I could read my emotions better.

More than ever, I feel myself growing too.  Next week's choruses are picked, and sent off, very early for me.  A newbie is again being introduced, a new-old favourite of mine - which I hope is as well received as Oh to See the Dawn was today.  He made the right choice.  As I knew He had.

Oh, and some Good News.  The worry over my Christian friend is over.  Praise God!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Upsetting the balance

Ecc 10: 4: If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences. (KJV 1611)

Pondered on the above for a while last night and this morning.

So easy to give up isn't it?

A couple of things have rattled me lately, one of which is a broken tooth.  The other I won't go into here, it relates to someone who I have come to see as a true Christian friend; part of the reason is, I may break down in tears if I write about it.  Needless to say, I haven't shared it with anyone, even my SOH, so another reason is I'm not going to share it here, if I can't share it with him who can I?  Other than my Lord and Protector.  Even praying about it, I said, Lord I don't know how to pray about it, but you know.....I can feel myself welling up now so I'll stop, with this Scripture, Ephesians 6:14-18:

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:   Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (KJV)

Thinking on happier things, practice went very well last night, the new hymn was well received.  We need some lively praise choruses, and I've asked for suggestions from the group.  We can't play the same old same old for too long, we need some mix.

Now, to take my mind of the broken tooth, I'm off to chose next week's - some indications have been made, but I haven't been able to focus properly, until today.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Hello all you happy people


Daren't do it.

I just daren't get..excited...over this week's choruses.

There's a certain amount of anticipation and excitement over the returning flute and clarinet, I've missed both of them and it will be great to fellowship with them for a bit.

But excited over what has been put forward....I just daren't...

My SOH says that it's OK to expect, in fact you need to expect, because without expectation there is no faithBut something deep down inside of me:
  • Expects the worst so there is no disappointment (crappy crappy crappy attitude I have to shift)
  • Reticent in expecting something good happening as it's a long way to fall if it all goes horribly wrong (related to above)
  • Somehow thinks it's somewhat worldly to think that way.  After all, I'm just the instrument?  The clay?  The wood to be crafted?
So confused.  Something in my past has made me the first two.  I think I know what, in fact it's a mixture of occurences in my life which engendered an attitude of "The only one I can trust/call on is myself - and even then I've sometimes got the ansafone on."  So I turned to Jesus.  One I can trust.  Who never switches to Voicemail.  Hence attitude 3 which has seemed to have become resigned to the first two attitudes....

...or has it?  The battle is mine, saith the Lord.  I believe He'll win it.  Might just get me being "undignified".

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Preparation, preparation, preparation

Worship this morning:

In heavenly armour
I stand amazed in the presence
Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour
Here I am waiting (eagles wings)
I worship You, Almighty God

Prepare your hearts, prepare your souls, prepare yourselves.  The theme for this day, in fact, a theme that's been running in the church for a while.  Something big is about to happen, maybe a revival in the area, maybe some refining, whatever, it's going to be big.  Testified by a dream one of the regulars had, me stuck in Proverbs 30 for several nights, in the heart of the pastor, and a prophesy we had during service.

Someone started singing I just want to praise You after the official worship had finished, we all sang a capella, then I was moved to play Be Still, even without the words it was wonderful how many of them knew all the words.

Big things about to happen in the church, and our little worship group is playing a part.  It makes me feel very insignificant - but I feel very blessed - and our Mighty God is firmly in control.

Oh, and Glory, Hallelujah.  I'm introducing a new song next week, a hymn in fact, that is only just barely 5/6 years old.  Had confirmation today that at least one other in the group knows it.  I would probably have gone ahead even without this, but great I'll have at least one at next week's practice that can help the others learn.

Friday, 7 October 2011

...and change again...

Back to normal, says the pastor last night, he thought it might be too great a risk or something.  So the worship is back to the start of the service, and playing them last night with the group, it was all fine, they felt right.

Next month, there's going to be a union of sorts with another church in the area (the one my predecessor went back to).  Saturday worship at the other church, service at ours on Sunday, then the other way round in January.

I'm not sure how the music's going to be organised, and who's doing what.  Hey ho, go with the flow, as ever.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Hmm.  Bit late with testing out the choruses this week, and all I can say is...."urk!"*

I could

a) Change them all (urk!*)
b) Ask the group, such as it is, to bring all chord sheets/music etc that we have done in recent weeks, throw them in a heap and see what comes out (urk!*)
c) Leave it to God and pray

c) seems the best option, not that I am particularly good at multiple choice.

I have an annoying headache that won't go away, so maybe because I am not firing on all cylinders it will all seem a lot better tomorrow.

The service is being turned on its head this week, the worship will be at the end.  Communion this week, I have been asked if I would consider playing a chorus during this, or PA man will play a CD.  The pastor made a suggestion, initially I thought "erhmmerr"** but I played it this evening and Bossman gave it the thumbs up (I know, because I feel it cut right into my heartstrings), so I said "OK Boss" and that one is in.  Whether I play it solo or not is up to the group.

* urk - a corruption of irksome.  The reaction to a rather irksome or troublesome problem that a mere mortal cannot possibly fathom, coupled with the fear that it could all go horribly wrong.  However, this word is only the equivalent of DEFCON1.

** erhmmerr - a disgruntled, rather negative reaction.  Shame on me.

Monday, 3 October 2011

When did this start happening?

Hello, all you happy people.

I like to think it started with Take Us To The River, a long forgotten, but oft-played on Premier Christian Radio '99/2000, but I think it started before that.

When I hear a song and something inside me starts leaping up and down in excitement.

If my personality was such, I would also be physically leaping up and down, but David I am not.  In fact, I suspect most see me as an incarnation of Droopy - my insides are very very happy, my countenance keeps cool.

I was a little concerned there was no real indication of the choruses for this Sunday (they're chosen, they feel right, so maybe it was a subtle Spirit nudge), then I got inspiration for the following Sunday, from a track on my mp3 player.  Mate, it got my insides boiling.  It's only about 5 years old, is it the right time to introduce it?

Sunday, 2 October 2011

When the Spirit leads

Worship today:

Who Paints the Skies?
Father God I wonder
Above all Powers
Take me to the River
Jesus Christ (Once again)
All Hail the Lamb

Yes...long.  The Spirit took over about halfway through.

Generally, I pause after hymn/chorus 2 or 3 and ask for prayer or a word from the congregation.  I paused exactly halfway through, after Above all Powers.  Silence, until the pastor shared a testimony from Friday, then another got up and shared a story, then another.  I needed that long break and I just went with the flow, listening, drinking some water, giving a few words of comfort myself.  For this obedience I was rewarded with a wonderful second half of worship, culminating in a reward for the church with a tongue and interpretation; you don't get those often enough.

Somewhat slothful this week picking next week's - maybe I am suffering a bit of apathy as we're down to 3 until the week after, then I can perhaps bring in a couple of new ones that I'm hoping will sound great with the returning flute and clarinet (and maybe saxophone..this could get very interesting).  However, I promised our pianist a favourite of his, which fits well, I looked through Musescore earlier and I think I have them all now.

Further ponderance on the guitar; do I want to exchange the instrument that I know so well for one I will have to "break in", however versatile...?  Knowing how God can work sometimes, I think when I see it, and play it, I will just know.  It isn't me, or the instrument leading the worship though, and wonder just how important the guitar is, or me for that matter.  In the scheme of things, not much.  I'm not undervaluing myself - just stating reality. It's great I'm not alone.

On the way home from singing lessons yesterday, I thought how God has used my perceived weaknesses.  I'm not a born leader - in fact, I've always said the best power is from the back, and the leaders get hit first.  So God made me a worship leader.  I feel I'm not a good public speaker.  So I was led to do a message one Sunday.  I feel I am not a terrific musician - so God guides my fingers and has developed my voice.  I feel I am flighty, and lack discipline to pick the songs every week.  So God puts the desire in my heart to be disciplined and hardworking where this is concerned, and it is He that picks them, not me.  Either God has a sense of humour, or He sees something I don't.  Bit of both, methinks.