Friday, 21 October 2011


I'm feeling doubts creep in again.   I hope that some, if not all, of those feelings will be assuaged on Sunday.

There is an interesting blog post on Kingsway this week.  Is our worship costly?  I've always struggled with the concept of Worship Leaders receiving a salary, to me it seems natural that our payment for the sacrifice of praise is the knowledge we're doing His will.  But as I ponder this, I realise that we are the descendants of the Levites, who received a share of the offerings of the people, and Paul himself said that, although he did not personally get a salary from anyone, those who give full time to the church should receive due payment.  But I sometimes wonder why churches advertise for WLs.  If their church size justifies paying salaries to a team, surely they can look from within?  (Or perhaps they did, and failed)

I was pretty gratified though that the questions that Nikki asks of us in the third paragraph, I can say "Yes" to each one (just about, if I'm honest with one or two, need to work on that), except one which is not applicable (I don't receive a salary for what I do in the church).  If a WL answers "No" to three or more, they seriously need to examine themselves, and get their motivation right.

Money is not my motivation anymore, for anything.  Sure, I worry about money sometimes, in addition to not getting paid for my voluntary, and willing, servitude, the salary I get paid in the job I'm in now is the lowest possible, and I'm part time to boot.  I love my employer.  I won't say who they are (people close to me know) as I want to stay within the boundaries of their rules, and even though I could only say good things about them, they have plenty of trumpet blowing sites elsewhere and they can do it better than me.  Their motivation is their clients, and instilling that same attitude in their employees; the salaries are OK - nothing more, people are paid a fair salary for what they do, rather than other charities I could mention who pay overblown remuneration to try and motivate the best people into the vacancies.  Actually, I understand the latter's position; but to get yourself into the former position, successfully, makes you a world leader.

More than ever, I feel that something big is about to happen at our church.  It won't be small for much longer, and my rather conservative nature has to prepare for change.  Just so long God is in charge, we'll be OK - and won't implode.

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