Sunday, 16 October 2011

Growth and Gremlins

Worship this morning:

Praise Is Rising
Come, Now is the Time to Worship
 (shared some scripture: Ecc 10 v 4 and Eph 6.  When something is sitting heavily on my heart, I know it's the Spirit telling me to share it)

Oh, to See the Dawn
(some talk, communion and then gently leading to..)

Jesus, All for Jesus
Holy Spirit, How I Love You

Gremlins in the PA system today, leading PA man to command it out in the Name of Jesus.  Demon went quiet after that, or left.

A new experiment today, the last two were practically merged together, I was drifting back and forth between them as the Spirit led.  I find Jesus a bit difficult to lead as you can start and finish the verses anywhere, leaving the musicians confused as to which repeat was needed.  Needs some work....

I feel I'm being a bit too factual, maybe self critical, about a morning that was truly wonderful.  The Spirit fell at the end, a wind you could feel and hear as most of the congregation sung in the tongues of angels.  Also, it was good to see the church growing Hallelujah, there were a few extra bods there who may be back.  It truly is an exciting time for the church, and I now feel quiet, somewhat tired maybe, or concerned about tomorrow with my tooth getting seen to, maybe I'm cautious, apprehensive about the future?  I really wish I could read my emotions better.

More than ever, I feel myself growing too.  Next week's choruses are picked, and sent off, very early for me.  A newbie is again being introduced, a new-old favourite of mine - which I hope is as well received as Oh to See the Dawn was today.  He made the right choice.  As I knew He had.

Oh, and some Good News.  The worry over my Christian friend is over.  Praise God!


  1. It's good to hear how very clearly the Lord is leading you. May God bless all that you do in the name of Jesus!

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words Joan :-)
