Saturday, 29 October 2011

Joy overflowing

I've been weary this week, culminating on Thursday night with a request (24 hours notice) to do Friday night worship at Alpha.

It was OK - but I was average.   Sacrifice of praise it was not.  I was tired and I'm not sure whether I really wanted to be there.  The DVD was Gumbel's talk on the church and unity; which was interesting as I have been thinking about that a lot lately.  Thought last night that I hadn't blogged in a few days, and perhaps I did have a few things that I wanted to say, but I guess it didn't weigh heavy enough on me to actually start typing.  Life, as they say, just got in the way.

What was still at the back of my mind was That Guitar.  I'm off work for a week, and the plan was to get in front of me Monday morning and phoning round for the Freshman that was nearly invading my dreams.  I don't think I've prayed specifically for it, just a deep yearning, a need for something that will help take the worship forward, and be just a little more professional.  For those new here, you can read my earlier musings on this by clicking on the "guitar" tags.

I go to Colwyn Bay every Saturday for singing lessons.  I was about 20 minutes early, and although I wasn't hoping for much, I tried the music shop just behind the market.  (I'd tried there before, they had Freshmans, but not the one I wanted).  Just maybe.   Just maybe I might see something, or maybe have a chat about him ordering one in, with no pressure to buy it...

...wandered in.  Looked around.  Guy asked me if there was anything I was looking for in particular.  "Yes, a 12-stri-..." - There, on the rack....There She Was.  The very Freshman I wanted.  Quickly had a strum on it (only 10 minutes to singing at this point) - fell in love straightaway.  "Only had this a few days." man said.  Of course you had, I thought, because God had made sure it was there for me to find it.

Walking on air to singing lessons.  Couldn't concentrate for my excitement.  Bought guitar after singing.  Came home still circling the clouds.  I am so happy, I am praising God for this and the resources that were available for me to buy it.

Am I being totally daft over a piece of wood?  I don't really care.  I now have a serious instrument, and my poor Epiphone can go into retirement.  My joy really is overflowing.


  1. Hi about sacrifice of praise? The days when we're tired, or when we 'mess up', maybe leave for church feeling irritated for some reason,maybe a little bored, uninspired... whatever the problem, those days are the one's we don't feel worthy of serving the Lord. And yet we choose to. That is the real sacrifice of praise... and it seems the Lord is rewarding you with a new guitar!

  2. I agree with you - but I felt somewhat complacent last night, almost like it was a duty rather than a privilege to be there. My attitude felt all wrong. Praise God, He still loves me for all that. :-)
