About to go on a trip for work purposes. I am looking forward to it, but I guess I'm suffering from a little melancholia because tonight is normally practice night, and I'm not there.
I did pick up my guitar today, and at one point I was entering a new form of worship - well, new to me. I was thinking about what was said to me a few Sundays ago, a suggestion made which I put into action, but I drifted into it so naturally.
I got so excited about it, thinking about the situations that I could use it in, I forgot that my practice sessions should also be worship - and maybe I missed out on a blessing. Still, I played some old favourites, was touched by one or two and felt...happy.
When I enjoy my practice so much, and think of times when leading worship has been like running through treacle, it makes thoughts of going back difficult. But I realise that playing purely for myself is probably selfish. I really do want a clear answer, but it is going to take some dilligent searching.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Kingsway 26th June
Title: Isaiah 55
First Line: All who thirst come to the waters
Artist: Katie Gustafson
Composer: Katie Gustafson
Album: Introducing Katie Gustafson
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Can't confirm from my usual source, but CCL site says it is
Popular sources: None (Highly likely to be on SOF6, whenever that comes out)
My thoughts: I have a weird form of sexism; there are actually very few female artists I like, perhaps they fall short of a bar that is set somewhat lower for men, or maybe it is a bizarre form of jealousy. I do like Gustafson though, albeit there is something a bit "cutsie" about her voice. I've liked this song since I first heard it last November, when Kingsway last put this on their freebie postings. Also, as alluded to yesterday, the words of this song are particularly comforting for those, like me, who are seeking His presence for healing. I remember it came up quite frequently on my mp3 player (set to permanent random shuffle) and I kept thinking, must introduce this one, then found it was far too new. One day, maybe I'll be a leader in getting new ones into diverse churches, until then, I like them to mature a bit. Besides, I'm enjoying listening to it, before I hear me, or anyone else, "ruin" it. :-)
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 3rd July inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too. If I state, in the general information shown above, that it is available on the usual CCL licence, it probably is, but the only One you can fully trust is YAHWEH, so for His sake at least, check out my info as it may be duff. Please don't sue me if I've got it wrong. Thanks.
First Line: All who thirst come to the waters
Artist: Katie Gustafson
Composer: Katie Gustafson
Album: Introducing Katie Gustafson
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Can't confirm from my usual source, but CCL site says it is
Popular sources: None (Highly likely to be on SOF6, whenever that comes out)
My thoughts: I have a weird form of sexism; there are actually very few female artists I like, perhaps they fall short of a bar that is set somewhat lower for men, or maybe it is a bizarre form of jealousy. I do like Gustafson though, albeit there is something a bit "cutsie" about her voice. I've liked this song since I first heard it last November, when Kingsway last put this on their freebie postings. Also, as alluded to yesterday, the words of this song are particularly comforting for those, like me, who are seeking His presence for healing. I remember it came up quite frequently on my mp3 player (set to permanent random shuffle) and I kept thinking, must introduce this one, then found it was far too new. One day, maybe I'll be a leader in getting new ones into diverse churches, until then, I like them to mature a bit. Besides, I'm enjoying listening to it, before I hear me, or anyone else, "ruin" it. :-)
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 3rd July inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too. If I state, in the general information shown above, that it is available on the usual CCL licence, it probably is, but the only One you can fully trust is YAHWEH, so for His sake at least, check out my info as it may be duff. Please don't sue me if I've got it wrong. Thanks.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Weary ways...
I wouldn't normally post twice in one day, or maybe I'll just hold over the Kingsway download until tomorrow. I saw what it was before I went to work this morning, it is one that I already have (and has been offered by Kingsway for free last year) - but I didn't mind (again) because it is a good one...and it almost made me cry with how God can make even the little things so poignant.
I heard some desperately sad news last night. Firstly, though, I had received an email from a friend, which in turn reminded me of a chorus I'd been meaning to transcribe to Musescore for some time. Whilst I was copying things over, the news came in and the words suddenly held more meaning. After a walk (it was a beautiful evening - I always find it is when very bad news comes in, it's like God knows you need some earthly comfort) I finished it off, put it onto the words file, I just need to scribble the chords on the words sheet and it will be introduced to the church soon, possibly the first week I'm back.
I don't want to go into what the news was, as I just think it is far too personal, even describing it "generally" - it would hold too many clues of who they are and I don't want to publicise anything. It has thrown my fragile emotions off kilter a little, and I am so glad work is busy and I can throw myself into that, but the quiet times...
Needless to say, the news made me think about relationships, the unfairness of the state of the world, God's perfect justice, faith, and, as yesterday, Romans 8:28-29.
Then the song of hope that Kingsway has posted brought the feelings back again. There are lessons here and I must think about them.
I heard some desperately sad news last night. Firstly, though, I had received an email from a friend, which in turn reminded me of a chorus I'd been meaning to transcribe to Musescore for some time. Whilst I was copying things over, the news came in and the words suddenly held more meaning. After a walk (it was a beautiful evening - I always find it is when very bad news comes in, it's like God knows you need some earthly comfort) I finished it off, put it onto the words file, I just need to scribble the chords on the words sheet and it will be introduced to the church soon, possibly the first week I'm back.
I don't want to go into what the news was, as I just think it is far too personal, even describing it "generally" - it would hold too many clues of who they are and I don't want to publicise anything. It has thrown my fragile emotions off kilter a little, and I am so glad work is busy and I can throw myself into that, but the quiet times...
Needless to say, the news made me think about relationships, the unfairness of the state of the world, God's perfect justice, faith, and, as yesterday, Romans 8:28-29.
Then the song of hope that Kingsway has posted brought the feelings back again. There are lessons here and I must think about them.
Monday, 25 June 2012
..and the sun comes out..
Reading some very inspiring Timothy Keller, a sermon he gave on Romans 8:28-29, an oft misinterpreted piece of scripture.
Re-reading yesterday's post, I realised that I made it sound like I would be back worship leading in 3 weeks; not so, I meant to say I will be missing 3 weeks, so will be back in 4. Well, that's Plan A anyway. The Boss could change it.
It seems like a long time, indeed, it is as good as a month.
I was scribbling some notes down yesterday and I thought that the next few weeks could be an exciting journey of discovery, and after I sent an email to a friend regarding all that had happened since Friday night, I felt much more positive.
I don't really care what happens, as long as God is at the centre of it all, whether they be weary ways or golden days, whether WL continues where and how it is now. The sun is out at the moment - it's a good day.
I've got to understand that there are bad days too, and I haven't seen the last of them. But God will turn them around for good - and usually not in the way I want or expect. But it will be the way I need it to be, and I have to remember this.
Re-reading yesterday's post, I realised that I made it sound like I would be back worship leading in 3 weeks; not so, I meant to say I will be missing 3 weeks, so will be back in 4. Well, that's Plan A anyway. The Boss could change it.
It seems like a long time, indeed, it is as good as a month.
I was scribbling some notes down yesterday and I thought that the next few weeks could be an exciting journey of discovery, and after I sent an email to a friend regarding all that had happened since Friday night, I felt much more positive.
I don't really care what happens, as long as God is at the centre of it all, whether they be weary ways or golden days, whether WL continues where and how it is now. The sun is out at the moment - it's a good day.
I've got to understand that there are bad days too, and I haven't seen the last of them. But God will turn them around for good - and usually not in the way I want or expect. But it will be the way I need it to be, and I have to remember this.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Coming together...coming apart
On Friday night, I gave a message on the assurance of faith. There was quite an internal fight going on, as right up to the point of me giving the message, I wasn't going to go through with it. Let's just have some fellowship, I thought. No, said God, you are going to give the message. I did, and it went well. This morning, I understood why this was required of me, as faith and trust was central to the worship, what was on the leader's heart, and the message; God set the stage for the entire weekend on Friday night.
Lord, I Come Before Your Throne
When We Walk with the Lord (Trust and Obey)
I Will Offer up my Life (Thankful Heart)
Jesus, Be the Centre
Holy Spirit, How I Love You
Even seeing them together now, I recognise what a powerful set it is; an incredible mix of old and modern. I was blessed by the entire service. We over-ran. We didn't care, God met with us this morning.
I got prayer afterwards from my closest friend in the church - I'm sure that God was fine with me asking for this, and in fact, I feel much much better than I have done in previous days, focussed enough to make some plans on what I am going to do for the next 3 weeks...
...yes, it will be 3 weeks before I lead worship again. I believe I need that length of time. I have officially told them only 2, but if I get no signals from God otherwise, it will be 3.
It won't be a music "fast" like last time. It will be rest, prayer, some worship, some chorus-storming, some searching, some listening, but I want my quiet times to be All God. 100% proof if possible.
I may not get it right. But I'm a little bit broken and I want to be closer to being mended, rather than having cogs and springs popping out of me every so often. The cogs and springs, by the way, are the little irritations that I am allowing to "bug" me, and I need to learn how to be constructive with them.
I may end up just posting on Tuesdays for the next 3 weeks. I hope this doesn't happen, as I wouldn't mind having, at the very least, a vague diary of just what happens next...
What next, God?
Lord, I Come Before Your Throne
When We Walk with the Lord (Trust and Obey)
I Will Offer up my Life (Thankful Heart)
Jesus, Be the Centre
Holy Spirit, How I Love You
Even seeing them together now, I recognise what a powerful set it is; an incredible mix of old and modern. I was blessed by the entire service. We over-ran. We didn't care, God met with us this morning.
I got prayer afterwards from my closest friend in the church - I'm sure that God was fine with me asking for this, and in fact, I feel much much better than I have done in previous days, focussed enough to make some plans on what I am going to do for the next 3 weeks...
...yes, it will be 3 weeks before I lead worship again. I believe I need that length of time. I have officially told them only 2, but if I get no signals from God otherwise, it will be 3.
It won't be a music "fast" like last time. It will be rest, prayer, some worship, some chorus-storming, some searching, some listening, but I want my quiet times to be All God. 100% proof if possible.
I may not get it right. But I'm a little bit broken and I want to be closer to being mended, rather than having cogs and springs popping out of me every so often. The cogs and springs, by the way, are the little irritations that I am allowing to "bug" me, and I need to learn how to be constructive with them.
I may end up just posting on Tuesdays for the next 3 weeks. I hope this doesn't happen, as I wouldn't mind having, at the very least, a vague diary of just what happens next...
What next, God?
Friday, 22 June 2012
It really is a blessing that I'm experiencing success in most things I'm turning my hand to. For instance, today I made a big diagram and laminated it - never done anything like that before and I'm very proud of it. I was never good at such stuff at school, I used to get more glue and paint on my own body than on what I was making.
It's like God is saying - you're doing OK. Just hang in there and acknowledge Me in everything you do. And I am.
When life goes the way it is at the moment, when I've made certain decisions and plans, where the slightest upset can set off a wave of emotion, it is so comforting that God's Word is true - He will make your paths straight if you just acknowledge Him. It makes everything much easier to bear.
Not wavering from a message I'm going to give at Bible study
Not wavering from my resolve to rest and seek Him for a couple of weeks
Seeking Him rather than getting advice for every small issue
Taking my woes to Him rather than relying on my own strengths. Even if I do feel like an ungrateful, spoiled child sometimes.
I mean, the blessings given me are abundant. When I hear and read of other people's lives, it puts my own problems into perspective. But I say, it doesn't make mine any less real. I can pray for those going through it, and some have been going through it for months. I struggle, I fight, I then read books like James and realise that such attitudes can only end up with a literal or metaphorical dislocated hip.
Time to stop struggling, enjoy the next few days before a storm of a week coming, then hopefully peace. MeandGodtime.
It's like God is saying - you're doing OK. Just hang in there and acknowledge Me in everything you do. And I am.
When life goes the way it is at the moment, when I've made certain decisions and plans, where the slightest upset can set off a wave of emotion, it is so comforting that God's Word is true - He will make your paths straight if you just acknowledge Him. It makes everything much easier to bear.
Not wavering from a message I'm going to give at Bible study
Not wavering from my resolve to rest and seek Him for a couple of weeks
Seeking Him rather than getting advice for every small issue
Taking my woes to Him rather than relying on my own strengths. Even if I do feel like an ungrateful, spoiled child sometimes.
I mean, the blessings given me are abundant. When I hear and read of other people's lives, it puts my own problems into perspective. But I say, it doesn't make mine any less real. I can pray for those going through it, and some have been going through it for months. I struggle, I fight, I then read books like James and realise that such attitudes can only end up with a literal or metaphorical dislocated hip.
Time to stop struggling, enjoy the next few days before a storm of a week coming, then hopefully peace. MeandGodtime.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Kingsway 19th June
Title: At Your Name
First Line: At Your name
Artist: Tim Hughes
Composer: Tim Hughes, Phil Wickham
Album: Tim Hughes Ultimate Collection
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: SOF5
My thoughts: Another which has been posted by Kingsway before, last time it was for Spirit Break Out from Worship Central, this time to help promote Hughes' new album. I prefer the former, but all the same I think this is a terrific chorus, one of our Tim's best. It has the sort of chorus which makes me want to go to the top of an open top bus (on a sunny day), wait for it to start steaming down one of our long expressways, plug in the mp3 player and stand up and shout "YAHWEH! YAHWEH!"
Or maybe that's just me.
I am a bit biased where Hughes is concerned anyway. Did I say that a couple of weeks ago? Oh. I even have this pending for my church; music, chord sheets, word file, the lot. It really deserves to have some circulation, and could end up being very well known indeed. (Possibly enter the Baptist and Anglican hymnals? Hmm...maybe not...)
Anyway, the studio version is nice and clean sounding, but a bit slow for me; the live SBO version is upbeat and strong. If you haven't heard it before, where have you been, download it now whilst you have the chance, you won't regret it.
As an afterthought: what is the wisdom behind naming albums "Ultimate", "Best of", "Best ever" etc when the shelflife of the artist or genre is by no means expired? What can you call albums after that? Nearly the best ever? Not quite the ultimate, that was the last one? Or, as usual, a different superlative? Just thinking (I should stop doing that)
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 25th June inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too. If I state, in the general information shown above, that it is available on the usual CCL licence, it probably is, but the only One you can fully trust is YAHWEH, so for His sake at least, check out my info as it may be duff. Please don't sue me if I've got it wrong. Thanks.
First Line: At Your name
Artist: Tim Hughes
Composer: Tim Hughes, Phil Wickham
Album: Tim Hughes Ultimate Collection
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: SOF5
My thoughts: Another which has been posted by Kingsway before, last time it was for Spirit Break Out from Worship Central, this time to help promote Hughes' new album. I prefer the former, but all the same I think this is a terrific chorus, one of our Tim's best. It has the sort of chorus which makes me want to go to the top of an open top bus (on a sunny day), wait for it to start steaming down one of our long expressways, plug in the mp3 player and stand up and shout "YAHWEH! YAHWEH!"
Or maybe that's just me.
I am a bit biased where Hughes is concerned anyway. Did I say that a couple of weeks ago? Oh. I even have this pending for my church; music, chord sheets, word file, the lot. It really deserves to have some circulation, and could end up being very well known indeed. (Possibly enter the Baptist and Anglican hymnals? Hmm...maybe not...)
Anyway, the studio version is nice and clean sounding, but a bit slow for me; the live SBO version is upbeat and strong. If you haven't heard it before, where have you been, download it now whilst you have the chance, you won't regret it.
As an afterthought: what is the wisdom behind naming albums "Ultimate", "Best of", "Best ever" etc when the shelflife of the artist or genre is by no means expired? What can you call albums after that? Nearly the best ever? Not quite the ultimate, that was the last one? Or, as usual, a different superlative? Just thinking (I should stop doing that)
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 25th June inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too. If I state, in the general information shown above, that it is available on the usual CCL licence, it probably is, but the only One you can fully trust is YAHWEH, so for His sake at least, check out my info as it may be duff. Please don't sue me if I've got it wrong. Thanks.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Plan, come apart, shake it round and start again
Bizarre morning, but I suppose it fits after a rather strange weekend.
Last night - speaker was brilliant, I think the worship could have been better. But I'm now starting to think a) I expect too much of myself and b) I am tired, and need a week or so off. Good job that I am.
Anyway, we had problems this morning insofar that we couldn't get the laptop to be friends with the projector, so no words. Hymn books that would have been modern in the 80s, only contained two of the chosen set. Sorry, group, time to improvise and Listen.
In Heavenly Armour
In Christ Alone
God Forgave My Sin
Abba Father
Faithful One
You know something? I almost felt that we should do something like this every week. Almost. But, maybe I should look at doing some special practice sessions. Practice and fellowship for sure, but maybe we should look at disaster recovery. The way I felt this morning (somewhere between "hmph" and "phfffft"), I just left it to God rather panicking.
Plans. I need to make plans for my time "off". I probably won't have time off from work (although it might be suggested to me, if my friend notices how tired I look, so will my boss). One. More. Sunday.
Last night - speaker was brilliant, I think the worship could have been better. But I'm now starting to think a) I expect too much of myself and b) I am tired, and need a week or so off. Good job that I am.
Anyway, we had problems this morning insofar that we couldn't get the laptop to be friends with the projector, so no words. Hymn books that would have been modern in the 80s, only contained two of the chosen set. Sorry, group, time to improvise and Listen.
In Heavenly Armour
In Christ Alone
God Forgave My Sin
Abba Father
Faithful One
You know something? I almost felt that we should do something like this every week. Almost. But, maybe I should look at doing some special practice sessions. Practice and fellowship for sure, but maybe we should look at disaster recovery. The way I felt this morning (somewhere between "hmph" and "phfffft"), I just left it to God rather panicking.
Plans. I need to make plans for my time "off". I probably won't have time off from work (although it might be suggested to me, if my friend notices how tired I look, so will my boss). One. More. Sunday.
Friday, 15 June 2012
The other day I shared a car with another Christian - unexpectedly, I
didn't realise that he was a churchgoer. It was wonderful to talk about
my faith, belief, knowledge in an intelligent way with someone outside
my church. I was having a Good Week.
The other night, I had a dream, I dream most nights.
I'm not going to turn this into a dream blog. I actually agree with most people; there is nothing more boring than reading other people's dreams, because, frankly, there's nothing you can really add or take away from them. Some dreams are significant, I've had a few of those, they sort out stuff in your head.
But - basically - dreams are mixed up ideas of the subconcious. Sometimes dreams can help you look subjectively at your problems. Sometimes, God speaks through them. If your spirit is with His Spirit part of His Plan can be revealed through them. But, mostly, they reflect your mental health.
It was a typical mixed up and confusing dream. I won't state details. But it was linked to my thoughts about Saturday night. In the dream I said to someone that I was absolutely petrified (with nerves). It's true. I am. But I daren't think about it.
After a pretty good practice last night, there was another incident that upset me..hugely. I shrugged it off initially, not wanting my friend to see how it has affected me, when I got home, I broke down. I gritted my teeth, pouring out honesty to God in how I felt about the person who hurt me, stopping short of naughty words, but praying for them also.
But my mental health over the matter is not good. It is good that I am taking a couple of weeks out soon. But in prayer I admitted that it may be difficult for me to return. I feel like my heart is being whipped. It will be difficult to come back for more, for He never said it was going to be easy.
I want to talk to my friends again, but they are having their own issues in life, and after the warning shot from God to speak to Him about such matters more often, I'm even more reticent. Don't really know what to do.
Looking forward to 25th, because I know that he wants me to give those 10 odd days (maybe longer) to Him.
Why did the week get soured in such a way, and how can I get myself on track?
The other night, I had a dream, I dream most nights.
I'm not going to turn this into a dream blog. I actually agree with most people; there is nothing more boring than reading other people's dreams, because, frankly, there's nothing you can really add or take away from them. Some dreams are significant, I've had a few of those, they sort out stuff in your head.
But - basically - dreams are mixed up ideas of the subconcious. Sometimes dreams can help you look subjectively at your problems. Sometimes, God speaks through them. If your spirit is with His Spirit part of His Plan can be revealed through them. But, mostly, they reflect your mental health.
It was a typical mixed up and confusing dream. I won't state details. But it was linked to my thoughts about Saturday night. In the dream I said to someone that I was absolutely petrified (with nerves). It's true. I am. But I daren't think about it.
After a pretty good practice last night, there was another incident that upset me..hugely. I shrugged it off initially, not wanting my friend to see how it has affected me, when I got home, I broke down. I gritted my teeth, pouring out honesty to God in how I felt about the person who hurt me, stopping short of naughty words, but praying for them also.
But my mental health over the matter is not good. It is good that I am taking a couple of weeks out soon. But in prayer I admitted that it may be difficult for me to return. I feel like my heart is being whipped. It will be difficult to come back for more, for He never said it was going to be easy.
I want to talk to my friends again, but they are having their own issues in life, and after the warning shot from God to speak to Him about such matters more often, I'm even more reticent. Don't really know what to do.
Looking forward to 25th, because I know that he wants me to give those 10 odd days (maybe longer) to Him.
Why did the week get soured in such a way, and how can I get myself on track?
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Kingsway 12th June
I'm late this week because I've been away for a couple of days.
Title: Build Your Kingdom Here
First Line: Come set Your rule and reign
Artist: Rend Collective Experiment
Composer: Rend Collective Experiment
Album: Homemade Worship by Handmade People
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Cannot confirm
Popular sources: None
My thoughts: Sometimes, Kingsway are a bit "naughty" insofar that they post something that they have already posted. Sometimes it's just by different artists, but in this case they posted this one in January. You can't really complain considering this is free, and, of course, it gives much needed publicity to groups that will definitely not get any in the mainstream. OK, that said, the jury's out with me as regards Rend. I have a few of their's from a few sources, and my initial reaction to them is..."odd". They're OK, but the lyrics are sometimes a bit puzzling, (e.g. "Awake the kingdom seed in us", in another "You're the colour of my world") - although Christians know what they're on about, outsiders may regard the words a bit pompous at best, befuddling at worst. And outsiders are who we are trying to get on the inside. All the same, experiment it was, and there's a video that presents some of the story, and maybe this will encourage similar - but hang on, don't songwriters collaborate and jam all the time? Didn't the sainted "In Christ Alone" come out of an ordinary jam session? Well, all power to them anyway.
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 18th June inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too.
Title: Build Your Kingdom Here
First Line: Come set Your rule and reign
Artist: Rend Collective Experiment
Composer: Rend Collective Experiment
Album: Homemade Worship by Handmade People
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Cannot confirm
Popular sources: None
My thoughts: Sometimes, Kingsway are a bit "naughty" insofar that they post something that they have already posted. Sometimes it's just by different artists, but in this case they posted this one in January. You can't really complain considering this is free, and, of course, it gives much needed publicity to groups that will definitely not get any in the mainstream. OK, that said, the jury's out with me as regards Rend. I have a few of their's from a few sources, and my initial reaction to them is..."odd". They're OK, but the lyrics are sometimes a bit puzzling, (e.g. "Awake the kingdom seed in us", in another "You're the colour of my world") - although Christians know what they're on about, outsiders may regard the words a bit pompous at best, befuddling at worst. And outsiders are who we are trying to get on the inside. All the same, experiment it was, and there's a video that presents some of the story, and maybe this will encourage similar - but hang on, don't songwriters collaborate and jam all the time? Didn't the sainted "In Christ Alone" come out of an ordinary jam session? Well, all power to them anyway.
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 18th June inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Worship today:
Lord, the Light of Your Love (Shine)
On a Hill far away (Rugged Cross)
Above all Powers
My Jesus, My Saviour
Faithful One
This morning I felt something that made me sorrowful; the pang in my heart that said I was really not in the mood for church this morning. But, I have a duty, and I fulfilled it. It was good, actually, the worship, and the message, the latter being a Holy Spirit sermon in a continuing series...then discussions after the service on next Saturday, logistics, timings, who, when, how, where...
...I dunno, it just seems all too clinical. But I was thinking that the Servant Heart is, sometimes, doing your duty even when it feels that someone has lost direction. Sometimes we think it's God, but we know that it isn't, for He doesn't lose direction and doesn't get weary...
..as mortals, we do though. I have a night away this week, and I should take advantage of this, in a hotel room somewhere in the wilds of mid Wales, away from distractions, take time out to pray and listen. For I need just a few more ounces of strength for next weekend, cruise through another...then I'm taking a break for a week or two. But my heart needs to be right - recognising it is about Him, not me, else I may as well take a holiday now.
Don't like myself in this state, but I guess half the healing is recognising you need the Physician.
Lord, the Light of Your Love (Shine)
On a Hill far away (Rugged Cross)
Above all Powers
My Jesus, My Saviour
Faithful One
This morning I felt something that made me sorrowful; the pang in my heart that said I was really not in the mood for church this morning. But, I have a duty, and I fulfilled it. It was good, actually, the worship, and the message, the latter being a Holy Spirit sermon in a continuing series...then discussions after the service on next Saturday, logistics, timings, who, when, how, where...
...I dunno, it just seems all too clinical. But I was thinking that the Servant Heart is, sometimes, doing your duty even when it feels that someone has lost direction. Sometimes we think it's God, but we know that it isn't, for He doesn't lose direction and doesn't get weary...
..as mortals, we do though. I have a night away this week, and I should take advantage of this, in a hotel room somewhere in the wilds of mid Wales, away from distractions, take time out to pray and listen. For I need just a few more ounces of strength for next weekend, cruise through another...then I'm taking a break for a week or two. But my heart needs to be right - recognising it is about Him, not me, else I may as well take a holiday now.
Don't like myself in this state, but I guess half the healing is recognising you need the Physician.
Friday, 8 June 2012
12 strings on my guitar
You can imagine, changing the strings on a 12-string is a discipline. Praise God nowadays I have an inbuilt tuner, because tuning them all by ear doubled the tribulation. Or triples, as the lightweight, sharp strings bite me on the way off and on the way on, as if in protest in being removed, or being wound and stretched for the first time.
It takes 2-2.5 hours, taking into account cleaning and testing. It doesn't take into account one of the strings breaking and me desperately searching my worn-out "spares" for a suitable replacement. Surprisingly (or maybe not) it is the same string that used to break on my old Epiphone, the string that is on there now is not the one for the purpose (is the wrong weight) and it means that I feel I must get a new set and change it before next week. I'm concerned it may break again at a vital moment, i.e. during the Saturday night worship. Yes, there's one of those coming up again. I have a good feeling about it though, that it will go much better than last time.
The minor irritations in life bring the old feelings to the surface. Yes, something happened again recently which irked me, and nearly caused my "crocodile" to snap. Bless....do not curse...bless, do not curse....repeat 20 times....I need a break, I am so busy at work and in WL, and I am gladly taking a break at the beginning of July. No "fast" this time, just quitting thinking about chorusstorming and singing. I may spend some time on WL work, perhaps some future "solo" or ministry choruses, that's what seems to be in my spirit currently. Makes me wonder what God's next move will be. How exciting.
But there's other stuff that makes me feel low in quiet times, a couple of friends are going through it and I worry for their future, and the knock on effect if their world starts to fall apart. They are never too far from my thoughts, and I want to be a better pray-er for them, never easy for me. And thoughts of my future too...where? how? my will or His? I've said before, it's not so much the outcome that worries me, that's assured, it's the journey. I know of at least two people who would practically drag me back if I tried to drift away.
Yet, it may not be their choice; I'm waiting for something that will surely mean some sort of action required of me. I'm ready.
It takes 2-2.5 hours, taking into account cleaning and testing. It doesn't take into account one of the strings breaking and me desperately searching my worn-out "spares" for a suitable replacement. Surprisingly (or maybe not) it is the same string that used to break on my old Epiphone, the string that is on there now is not the one for the purpose (is the wrong weight) and it means that I feel I must get a new set and change it before next week. I'm concerned it may break again at a vital moment, i.e. during the Saturday night worship. Yes, there's one of those coming up again. I have a good feeling about it though, that it will go much better than last time.
The minor irritations in life bring the old feelings to the surface. Yes, something happened again recently which irked me, and nearly caused my "crocodile" to snap. Bless....do not curse...bless, do not curse....repeat 20 times....I need a break, I am so busy at work and in WL, and I am gladly taking a break at the beginning of July. No "fast" this time, just quitting thinking about chorusstorming and singing. I may spend some time on WL work, perhaps some future "solo" or ministry choruses, that's what seems to be in my spirit currently. Makes me wonder what God's next move will be. How exciting.
But there's other stuff that makes me feel low in quiet times, a couple of friends are going through it and I worry for their future, and the knock on effect if their world starts to fall apart. They are never too far from my thoughts, and I want to be a better pray-er for them, never easy for me. And thoughts of my future too...where? how? my will or His? I've said before, it's not so much the outcome that worries me, that's assured, it's the journey. I know of at least two people who would practically drag me back if I tried to drift away.
Yet, it may not be their choice; I'm waiting for something that will surely mean some sort of action required of me. I'm ready.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Kingsway 6th (5th) June
Kingsway were late this week - presumably because of the extended bank holiday weekend here in the UK, for her Maj.
Title: Saviour's Song
First Line: This is Jesus
Artist: Case Crayenord (Kees Krayenoord)
Composer: Case Crayenord, Tim Hughes, Martin Smith
Album: Running Into Love
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: Songs of Fellowship 5
My thoughts: Hold my hands up: I am very very biased when it comes to Tim Hughes and Martin Smith, because I think they are two of the very best worship writers around today, in my top 5 at least. This means I approach this with a somewhat imbalanced point of view, and also, I already have this in my mp3 collection (albeit I have the Tim Hughes version from another album). Case was once Kees - I presume that he anglicised his Dutch name because we pedants here are unable to get our tongues around those awkward vowel sounds. I hadn't heard of him until I bought the SOF5 compilations, but, whisper, I think he has a better voice than Hughes so I might exchange one for the other. If you haven't heard this one before, it has Hughes and Smith's mark all over it (although I haven't heard Martin sing it, if such a version exists, you can totally imagine him singing it), so if you like their back catalogues, you will surely like this, with some input from a very talented Worship Central worship leader. Big up.
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 11th June inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too. If I state, in the general information shown above, that it is available on the usual CCL licence, it probably is, but the only One you can fully trust is YAHWEH, so for His sake at least, check out my info as it may be duff. Please don't sue me if I've got it wrong. Thanks.
Title: Saviour's Song
First Line: This is Jesus
Artist: Case Crayenord (Kees Krayenoord)
Composer: Case Crayenord, Tim Hughes, Martin Smith
Album: Running Into Love
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: Songs of Fellowship 5
My thoughts: Hold my hands up: I am very very biased when it comes to Tim Hughes and Martin Smith, because I think they are two of the very best worship writers around today, in my top 5 at least. This means I approach this with a somewhat imbalanced point of view, and also, I already have this in my mp3 collection (albeit I have the Tim Hughes version from another album). Case was once Kees - I presume that he anglicised his Dutch name because we pedants here are unable to get our tongues around those awkward vowel sounds. I hadn't heard of him until I bought the SOF5 compilations, but, whisper, I think he has a better voice than Hughes so I might exchange one for the other. If you haven't heard this one before, it has Hughes and Smith's mark all over it (although I haven't heard Martin sing it, if such a version exists, you can totally imagine him singing it), so if you like their back catalogues, you will surely like this, with some input from a very talented Worship Central worship leader. Big up.
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 11th June inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers. Although this is free, gratis, without charge etc etc, please bear in mind that all rights are still reserved and you need all the usual permissions, and/or a worship song license to record/project/reproduce in church and quite right too. If I state, in the general information shown above, that it is available on the usual CCL licence, it probably is, but the only One you can fully trust is YAHWEH, so for His sake at least, check out my info as it may be duff. Please don't sue me if I've got it wrong. Thanks.
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Spirit and Truth
Worship today
A quick rebellion, because I knew I could get away with it.
Strength Will Rise
I felt absolutely exhausted this morning, I needed to remind myself and not just the cong. Official worship then:
Tell Out, My Soul
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Jesus Christ (Once Again)
I Just Want to Praise You (practically a capella)
You Have Been so Good
And was it good? Yes, it was. My heart felt freed this morning, with no real stresses on my mind. A couple of days ago, I decided that if I felt drawn to sing in tongues, I would, and not wait for the cong to take the lead on this. There was a little of it early on in the worship, but at the end, as the instruments were brought down to a minimum , the Spirit fell and I felt like I was swimming, that split second in time when I felt like I was in the Courts of the King. I was almost slain up there, and had to sit down at the end, listening to some wonderful testimonies (I think there were few that didn't have at least one thing to share) and a very good message on the person of the Holy Spirit.
I was asked for another chorus at the end, but I couldn't find the chord sheet for the one that hit my heart during the message (Holy Spirit, How I Love You) so instead played Your Name, Stronger than I Know as solo, as the church doesn't yet have the words file with this one on there.
Today will probably come back to me during prayers tonight, and will probably reduce me to tears or maybe further spiritual presence, and with a few days off (not just the Jubilee days either) I'll have time to consider, maybe even wait at His feet a while.
Wonderful, wonderful day.
Back here I spoke of a prophecy that I have repeated to no-one, and in fact, vowed I would not. I haven't broken this, but I have got advice, at long last, as to whether to repeat it to ask for confirmation, or to pray that a mortal tongue repeats it back to me without any knowledge. I have been informed it is fine to do the latter, which is what I have been doing. But the words have been like birth pangs, brought to mind daily, morning, afternoon and night, it could soon invade my dreams. I am, perhaps, impatient. But I think the same can be said of a lot of people in the church at the moment, crying, how long?
Guess there has to be some suffering, and a whole load of hoopomonay (cheerful, watchful, patient, endurance)
A quick rebellion, because I knew I could get away with it.
Strength Will Rise
I felt absolutely exhausted this morning, I needed to remind myself and not just the cong. Official worship then:
Tell Out, My Soul
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Jesus Christ (Once Again)
I Just Want to Praise You (practically a capella)
You Have Been so Good
And was it good? Yes, it was. My heart felt freed this morning, with no real stresses on my mind. A couple of days ago, I decided that if I felt drawn to sing in tongues, I would, and not wait for the cong to take the lead on this. There was a little of it early on in the worship, but at the end, as the instruments were brought down to a minimum , the Spirit fell and I felt like I was swimming, that split second in time when I felt like I was in the Courts of the King. I was almost slain up there, and had to sit down at the end, listening to some wonderful testimonies (I think there were few that didn't have at least one thing to share) and a very good message on the person of the Holy Spirit.
I was asked for another chorus at the end, but I couldn't find the chord sheet for the one that hit my heart during the message (Holy Spirit, How I Love You) so instead played Your Name, Stronger than I Know as solo, as the church doesn't yet have the words file with this one on there.
Today will probably come back to me during prayers tonight, and will probably reduce me to tears or maybe further spiritual presence, and with a few days off (not just the Jubilee days either) I'll have time to consider, maybe even wait at His feet a while.
Wonderful, wonderful day.
Back here I spoke of a prophecy that I have repeated to no-one, and in fact, vowed I would not. I haven't broken this, but I have got advice, at long last, as to whether to repeat it to ask for confirmation, or to pray that a mortal tongue repeats it back to me without any knowledge. I have been informed it is fine to do the latter, which is what I have been doing. But the words have been like birth pangs, brought to mind daily, morning, afternoon and night, it could soon invade my dreams. I am, perhaps, impatient. But I think the same can be said of a lot of people in the church at the moment, crying, how long?
Guess there has to be some suffering, and a whole load of hoopomonay (cheerful, watchful, patient, endurance)
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