Sunday, 10 June 2012


Worship today:

Lord, the Light of Your Love (Shine)
On a Hill far away (Rugged Cross)
Above all Powers
My Jesus, My Saviour
Faithful One

This morning I felt something that made me sorrowful; the pang in my heart that said I was really not in the mood for church this morning.  But, I have a duty, and I fulfilled it.  It was good, actually, the worship, and the message, the latter being a Holy Spirit sermon in a continuing series...then discussions after the service on next Saturday, logistics, timings, who, when, how, where...

...I dunno, it just seems all too clinical.  But I was thinking that the Servant Heart is, sometimes, doing your duty even when it feels that someone has lost direction. Sometimes we think it's God, but we know that it isn't, for He doesn't lose direction and doesn't get weary... mortals, we do though.  I have a night away this week, and I should take advantage of this, in a hotel room somewhere in the wilds of mid Wales, away from distractions, take time out to pray and listen.  For I need just a few more ounces of strength for next weekend, cruise through another...then I'm taking a break for a week or two.  But my heart needs to be right - recognising it is about Him, not me, else I may as well take a holiday now.

Don't like myself in this state, but I guess half the healing is recognising you need the Physician.

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