It really is a blessing that I'm experiencing success in most things I'm turning my hand to. For instance, today I made a big diagram and laminated it - never done anything like that before and I'm very proud of it. I was never good at such stuff at school, I used to get more glue and paint on my own body than on what I was making.
It's like God is saying - you're doing OK. Just hang in there and acknowledge Me in everything you do. And I am.
When life goes the way it is at the moment, when I've made certain decisions and plans, where the slightest upset can set off a wave of emotion, it is so comforting that God's Word is true - He will make your paths straight if you just acknowledge Him. It makes everything much easier to bear.
Not wavering from a message I'm going to give at Bible study
Not wavering from my resolve to rest and seek Him for a couple of weeks
Seeking Him rather than getting advice for every small issue
Taking my woes to Him rather than relying on my own strengths. Even if I do feel like an ungrateful, spoiled child sometimes.
I mean, the blessings given me are abundant. When I hear and read of other people's lives, it puts my own problems into perspective. But I say, it doesn't make mine any less real. I can pray for those going through it, and some have been going through it for months. I struggle, I fight, I then read books like James and realise that such attitudes can only end up with a literal or metaphorical dislocated hip.
Time to stop struggling, enjoy the next few days before a storm of a week coming, then hopefully peace. MeandGodtime.
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