Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Weary ways...

I wouldn't normally post twice in one day, or maybe I'll just hold over the Kingsway download until tomorrow.  I saw what it was before I went to work this morning, it is one that I already have (and has been offered by Kingsway for free last year) - but I didn't mind (again) because it is a good one...and it almost made me cry with how God can make even the little things so poignant.

I heard some desperately sad news last night.  Firstly, though, I had received an email from a friend, which in turn reminded me of a chorus I'd been meaning to transcribe to Musescore for some time.  Whilst I was copying things over, the news came in and the words suddenly held more meaning.  After a walk (it was a beautiful evening - I always find it is when very bad news comes in, it's like God knows you need some earthly comfort) I finished it off, put it onto the words file, I just need to scribble the chords on the words sheet and it will be introduced to the church soon, possibly the first week I'm back.

I don't want to go into what the news was, as I just think it is far too personal, even describing it "generally" - it would hold too many clues of who they are and I don't want to publicise anything.  It has thrown my fragile emotions off kilter a little, and I am so glad work is busy and I can throw myself into that, but the quiet times...

Needless to say, the news made me think about relationships, the unfairness of the state of the world, God's perfect justice, faith, and, as yesterday, Romans 8:28-29.

Then the song of hope that Kingsway has posted brought the feelings back again.  There are lessons here and I must think about them.

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