Thursday, 30 August 2012


Yesterday, I got some news that made we weep with joy.  What was incredible (or maybe not) was that it was pretty much what I had prayed for - when everyone else seemed to be giving it up for medical treatment, I had prayed there would be no trace and no need for a possible painful and lengthy process.

Through faith - this person is now able to carry on, as normal, with a scar, but this scar is a victory mark - proof of coming through great tribulation.

I would that another quarter had similarly happy news.  Instead, it just seems to be getting worse and worse.  It is really difficult to know what to pray for.

I'm not leading Sunday.  I'm using my prep time looking at and listening to songs I feel He has led me to, for future use.  Strangely - they all seem to be on the same theme, so I guess He's trying to tell me something...


  1. Hi Fiona... no idea if this would help, it may be too painful. But I did blog daily through the final 4 months of my wife's life, charting our battle whilst coping with palliative care in the home. We persevered with faith and hope until the very end and indeed lived life to the full. Despite great discomfort, my wife remained at peace, totally caring for others and even making jokes until the very end. Neither death nor end of life care is to be feared whilst walking with the Lord. He can never leave or forget you. But I know of 'death bed' healings for others... and I never stopped asking. My wife had a higher calling though. Dig around on allestreedave blog older posts starting Feb 2011 to see how we survived if you like. Regards David Paine

  2. The situation is a little complicated, as regards my thoughts and other people's... I can't and won't go into that here! But I've published this as it may be a help to others.
