Title: White Flag
First Line: The battle rages on
Artist: Chris Tomlin
Composer: Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Matt Maher & Jason Ingram
Album: Passion: White Flag
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: This is very very new I'm not going to bother looking. Give it a couple of months, it will be there
Popular sources: Far too new yet, literally hot off the press..
My thoughts: As you probably know, I'm quite fond of "reading" the music first before listening to the mp3, and my initial thoughts were - great, an 83bpm so relatively slow, or at least a gentle sway. It is moderately gentle, but with the addition of drums and rocky guitars which sound more than a little influenced by U2, it's turned into...um...a fairly decent Christian yoof rock chorus. From the beginning, the Tomlin and Redman influence is obvious (Redman rarely goes up and down the musical scale like a demented yoyo, and Tomlin loves things to sway) Think of How Great is Our God and You Never Let Go, put them in a pot, put a few spices and extra herbs and veggies and out comes this. A good flavour, but like sweet chilli sauce, not really my flavour. Shame, because I like all these artists, but I can't see me buying this, nor playing it. I dislike the trend lately of repeating the same line over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Call me a traditionalist (at best) or a pedant (at worst). Or someone that is maybe getting too old for this.
This song is available on Kingsway from today until 20th August inc. To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.
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