Thursday, 16 August 2012


I had an email from a friend yesterday, and although it was great to hear from them, they stated something that they were going to do which was in direct conflict in advice from another.

We've all done it of course, and sometimes we admire the chutzpah of those who listen to advice and then just go and do what they want because they are denying themselves if they don't.

There is one problem with the person's rebellion - I know that the person who gave the advice will be very very annoyed.  And although it won't harm anyone, at least not physically, there could be a long term effect on the relationship between the two - in fact, it could cause a chain reaction which could be horrifying to watch at worst, but extremely interesting at best.

I had to smile when I read it, but was I really wrong to feel some sort of smug satisfaction about this rebellion, or even admiration?  After all, the advice was given in love, not with some sort of power trip.

But - this person, like me, has a choice to make.  They are refusing to be enslaved, and want to listen to what God wants instead - bearing in mind that advice can come from God via human voices.  But they are now getting sick of "advice", however well-meaning, from a certain quarter and are listening to what is within - a testimony that is bursting to come out or a sail that just has to be raised.

If we don't try, we'll never know if it was His voice.  And He is with us in the storm, is our Lighthouse to bring us home to safe harbour.

God probably gets angry with us if we make like Jacob.  But He hasn't made us to be sheeple either.

My friend's attitude has just added more confirmation for me.  I don't want to stand still anymore.

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