When I arrived at church yesterday, I had the place to myself for 10 minutes or so, and PA man had left a CD going in the background, some live festival or somesuch, Christian music. I was trying to get my head together and thinking about my friend who may or may not turn up that morning (they did - see yesterday's post).
In the midst of that, the CD track changed and suddenly a flame in me reawakened. Imperceptible at first, in fact, I didn't feel it at all until later that afternoon, when I thought of the chorus, looked up CopyReport, found it in the SOF, transcribed it to Musescore and thought...
...wow...this one was a direct answer to prayer.
You see, there's another special day coming up, there is a high expectation level on it (not directly on me, I hasten to add - I just want to do my best, as high as I set my bar, rightly or wrongly, and I'm on my own), and I need to find some choruses that pack some punch, and oh yes, I've found one. 20 years old, and here I am, flipping around like a fish out of water amongst the rather more trendy choruses that Kingsway tend to post.
God's saying: "Don't stress. I'll pick the right ones. You just have to play them." There was I, worried that, although I had a bunch of "new-ish" choruses there didn't seem to be one that would have set the place alight - metaphorically speaking. Sorry I forgot, Boss: You have it all under control.
As usual, this has started a chain reaction of administration that I need to do, and yet another project has popped up in relation to all this shebang which will take some time. But I'm happiest being occupied. And it means I don't have to think about...other stuff. Well, not yet anyway. And only at the appropriate time.
(If you're wondering about the post title, some of you will work it out straightaway. To the others I say - have a think about it. :-) )
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