Monday, 3 December 2012

Moving in a mysterious way

Having decided to generally "back off" this week because the wounds are still too painful, Saturday evening my thoughts turned once again to church, and where to go on the Sunday morning.

I really didn't want to go to the church I went to a couple of weeks ago.  There's something missing...

All the same, an "impetus" got me out of the front door yesterday, despite rain, wind and cold.  If asked, I guessed I would have said I would have felt guilty all week had I not gone somewhere.  Fear of God does that to you.

I ended up in a church that was very small indeed, there were 8 of us there in total.  But God is God.  There was a link with one of the members.  She thought she had missed the monthly outreach, and oh yes, her friend would like to come to, and maybe a few others...

Two, maybe more, people who will be coming to the outreach, who wouldn't have come if I had notturned up in their church that morning.  God was so in that detail.  And it was a Spirit driving me out in the inclement weather.

Have I found the church I need?  Well, I still don't know.  The message was good (and very apt for me, well a good reminder, about moving mountains)  They need a worship leader (there's a surprise!) but is it the place for me?  My attitude is very strange - you would think I would be saying - worship leading??!!  When do I start??!!  But no...

I was thinking about it later, after a conversation with the outreach leader, that the regular WL is still very much Out Of Action and will be for some time.  It saddened me, but I thought, I can't do church and the outreach, it nearly killed me in the summer.

Remember the butterfly?

I shall be a butterfly.  I will flit about from church to church.  I know where I'm going next week, and I have plans for the following couple of weeks to Christmas.  God has somewhere for me I'm thinking, but as long as I get fellowship, and the gospel, that is my food for the week and I will be happy.

The WL will come later.  After healing.  After prayer.  Maybe God has something even more special.

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