Wednesday, 31 October 2012


It's amazing how He sends comfort at unexpected times.

I was feeling quite sorry for myself last night; I was watching a film about a young man and his dragon saving the world, or at least his locality, which took my mind off the health issues I've been suffering.

One of them, although not serious, could affect my WL work.  There's nothing that my doctor can do at the moment - unless it worsens.  The other two are doing their best to take my joy away.

So there I was, half watching the big fire sequences and half thinking about the church I went to last week and the senior pastor there and...

...something triggered inside of me.  I've learned not to ignore the triggers anymore, because where God's concerned lately my gut has rarely been wrong.

It is the right place to go.  Something will happen.  I do have a place there.

Why should I be concerned with health issues - they are a minor inconvenience when I think that others have stuff that is life threatening or prevents them from doing their day to day tasks.  Mine aren't yet.

But.  I resolve to resist this in the name of Jesus, of the Lord my God who strengthens me.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Kingsway 30th October

Title: Great I Am
First Line: I want to be close
Artist: New Life Worship
Composer: Jared Anderson
Album: The Narrow Road
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: None

My thoughts: This was offered by Kingsway back in January (my gosh the year has flown).  I'm afraid I don't have a lot to say about this one, other's OK but not, in my opinion, great.  I find it a little dreary rather than worshippy, but might appeal to the ministry times of the service, or perhaps I'm just being a boring old Anglican again.  (New running joke with me.)  Still, I haven't removed it from my mp3 player since January, so I've a) ignored it, b) can't bring myself to delete it, or c) something inside me is seeing some value in it.  I hope it's the latter...

This song is available on Kingsway from today until 6th November inc.  To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Location, location, location

I, like many people, like "searching for property" programs on the TV and I also like Grand Designs.

I think it's something to do with our inerrant nosiness.  It isn't so much the finding, its the having a good look about somebody else's patch to get new ideas, or, the worse side of our human nature, to be critical.  And there is something about L3 and Grand Designs that turns it into some sort of soap opera, as they seem to pick the most awkward and/or objectionable people in society.

I have never been in the situation where I have the luxury of choice of where to move into.  It's always been - location ok for work, tick, price is right, tick, ok when do we move?  Forget decor or whether I like the area, at every move there has been a sense of urgency.

Not this time.  I have the luxury of choice, although I now think God wants me to settle quickly.  And I think I know which church.

3 churches in 3 weeks - although to be fair, I will never attend the first two regularly due to distance.  Number 3, went on recommendation and I already know the pastor as he was the other half of my baptism last year.

I was sitting quietly in the service, so far, so good, maybe less charismatic than I was hoping.  Unlikely to be any place for me in the music group, long term maybe very occasionally.  Am I in this for the long term?  Surely it is far too early...

You have something to offer here.  You can be part of the change that I am planning.

Was it God's voice?  It sure sounded like it.

I spoke to the pastor afterwards, laid all my cards down and was honest.  I've parted company with my previous church, with the senior pastor's blessing.  I am looking for a new church.  He replied that he had been praying specifically for gifted people to come to his church....

...could it be?

I think I will give this place a couple of months, I don't want to be too hopeful too soon.  Yes I am cautious. I am also still hurting a little.  It will all take time.  Awkward, not sure what I want, not forthright, uncertain, little confidence.  And no equivalent of Phil or Kirsty to help me.

But I do have God.

Friday, 26 October 2012

With a prayer

Better than I ever dared hope.  Praise God.

I have been released, with the blessings of the senior Pastor.

And...that's it.  I am now without a church.  Of course I am still part of the church body, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I am still on a journey with one destination, but...

...this could be scary.  I'm travelling free.  But at the tiller is Christ.

I have one more conversation to have, with a person unconnected with the church, but I just want to let this sink in for a while.

What have I done? 

Cornered into a position (as usual) where I have to trust God to take charge.

This could get very very interesting.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Kingsway 23rd October

Title: Trust You
First Line: Father of heavenly lights
Artist: Aaron Keyes
Composer: Aaron Keyes, Pat Barrett & Matt McMichael
Album: In the Living Room
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
Popular sources: None

My thoughts: My gosh, I love this one already.  Maybe it's the oh so slow 6/8 time, maybe it's the "falling" melodic minor melody in the chorus, or the possibilities this one could offer in worship.   When I was more into secular music, my tastes were questionable at best, absolutely awful at worst, so I could be horribly, horribly wrong when I say I think this one could be huge.  I said a few weeks ago that every so often an artist will write something that has such tremendous WOW factor that it you can live on it for a while without them writing anything else.  In my opinion, this is Aaron's banginbetweentheeyeballs hymn.

I'm not sure if the album is yet to be released, but the only indication of where it was from was on the mp3 tag.

A refreshing change that I have no criticism, not even a tiny one.  Maybe God has removed that gene for a bit...

This song is available on Kingsway from today until 29th October inc.  To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Another week, another church

I went to my friends' church today, about 50 miles away on the Wirral.  What was unexpected was the worship; an all male group and mostly old choruses, when I had been led to believe they did more modern stuff.

Then one friend said to the other - "I think that's the first time I've been there where the worship was made up of old choruses" - must have seen me coming!  But I noticed, in contrast, the enthusiasm of the group of 30-40 for these old choruses against the Anglicans of last week with modern hymns and no enthusiasm.

God re-iterating to me that it isn't just what you sing and play.

I was finding it difficult to worship; I'm fighting a cold so my voice was rubbish, the WL insisting on playing everything in the "usual" key (so far too high for me), and some of the old choruses stabbed, even ripped at my memory of what was, what it could have been...

...I am being stupidly sentimental and maybe morbidly pessimistic, but despite pretty speeches of "it will be good to have a holiday from all this" - deep down, the WL in me needs to know when.  God spoke to me from Hebrews last night.

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.  For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Hebrews 10:35-36 (KJV 1611)

I cannot know the reward until after I have done God's will, and I need patience, in fact it's that word hoopomonay again - endurance, patient continuance - not really a strongpoint of mine.

And sometimes we need to drop everything, re-prioritise, and move on, marking His footsteps.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Death and Resurrection

It is faintly ironic, or maybe it is somewhat apt, that my last official session as WL for the church was a post funeral service.

Two hymns, The Lord's my Shepherd and Abide With Me.  I listened to the prayers and speeches made in remembrance of the deceased, a person I didn't know very well actually, but I felt God saying to me throughout: "Don't fear.  You've made the right decision, trust Me."

The final conversation hasn't taken place.  I expect it to take place some time next week - hopefully Monday or Tuesday.  I am not going to be persuaded otherwise to the course I am taking - there is a motivation, a catalyst, a devastating piece of information that when imparted to me I could hear the "boom" of the nail being hammered in...

Then that will be it.  I will be in the wilderness.  I entered one earlier this year, and I now understand why - to prepare me for this: lonelier, forcing me to be even more dependant on God.  You want closeness, He said, I can draw you closer.  You just have to be willing and pliant to drop every last vestige of ego and sacrifice your whole being. 

But I will learn so much.  2012 has been painful.  I'd say I'd do it again, but in fact, I don't want that.  I want to move on, not ponder on the past.  I don't regret anything that has happened, and I do not want the year to end in bitterness.  Just hope.  Hope for 2013, which will be a very interesting year.

It will be a blessed year, if I continue to do what He wills me to do.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Liberty she pirouette

I knew it would be painful.

I never thought what I suspected would be the truth.  And they also blew me sideways with a confirmation, actually, several confirmations

It's difficult to describe what emotions I'm feeling at the moment.  I'm distracting myself with various tasks on the laptop, well, games if I'm honest, though I will move on to a project that I've undertaken which has become less urgent, yet waves of....


...pass over me with such intensity it is difficult to function, to decide whether I'm happy or sad.

I am certainly unhappy it's come to this.  I am even more unhappy that a close friendship I have formed in the last year will become more distant.  Oh, sure, the words "stay in touch" are too easy to say, and then life gets in the way of good intentions.

The decision was made easier for me.  This is pretty much God's confirmation to tell me to take that first step of faith.  With everything else going on.  I can...and will...forgive some of the key people who have brought it to this.  I suspect in a few months time I will see God's purpose in all this, where He rewards faithfulness with greater prizes, or even experiences which I can only dream of.

The upshot is - last Sunday week was the last time I led worship for the church.  I will also be leaving the church.  It may be a while before I lead worship on a Sunday again.

There are those that tell me that a calling is a calling - that if God has truly given you a ministry, He will show you the place where you are called.  I have to hold fast to the promises He has made to me already, and the ones that will come.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Lost weekend

The weekend was...


I managed to write down a few things, and it helped.  To see some of my woes summarised in childish scrawl is scary in a way, I now need to get some of these points across to others...nicely.

But I suffered dreadful homesickness whilst I was away.  Last time, I relaxed for a few hours, I even had constructive prayer and Bible study time.  This time round, the area I grew up in held no appeal, and I aborted a day trip after an incident, like a wounded animal I had to get back to my burrow - only my real burrow was a couple of hundred miles away, and I had to make do with a hotel room.  And cry out to Him who is able.

I will stick to my promise of going twice a year, but I can't say that's going to be easy.  I will plan better next time, do things slightly differently, I will also prepare better and give myself a get-out plan...just in case.

The church service I attended on Sunday was good - but sad at the same time.  A congregation of 200 or so, singing very modern hymns (apart from one, nothing we sung was more than 10 years old I think) - but no charisma.  It's tempting to say it was disappointing, but it wasn't it was educational in some ways.  God said to me at the start "Just observe."  I did.  When I left, I was hopeful that the young church will eventually get some vim, worshipping their Lord in spirit and in truth.  The thoughts still come back, parallels popping up in my mind with my own situation...

Although I am not leading worship for the next couple of Sundays at least, I came back to 2 worship leading requests - for one of them the hymns are already chosen, I just have to play them.  I might just sing them actually, and not bother dragging along the guitar.  The occasion might just better suit voice and organ as it happens.

The other is one of the "locum" tasks, although I have been told (by God) I can't call it that any more.  So I'm going to have to find another label.  OK, one of the local outreach services for which I happen to be leading worship.  But I somehow feel disrespectful to the person who I am filling in for.  Still, no chance of forgetting about them - I pray for them every night.  In an odd way, they seem to me like a wounded comrade and they are in a field hospital.  They barely know me, are not even aware of my prayers, yet if I can be of some comfort, I hope that prayers are enough.

And I'm meeting up with my friends tomorrow, and it could well be a pivotal moment, a period in time which you can point back to and say: I made a change there, and that's where it all began.  It will just be good to talk to two sensible Christians, who like and respect me and me them, do not have their heads buried in the sand and have sensible advice to impart rather than saying what they think God would have them say.

But I fervently hope that it is the beginning of a new chapter.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Kingsway 16th October

Title: Overcome
First Line: Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love
Artist: Ross Parsley & the Desperation Band
Composer: Jon Egan
Album: Counting on God
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: None

My thoughts: To kick off the comments for this week: an absolutely delicious name for a worship leading group, where were they when we needed a laugh?  Anyhow, this is your fairly typical "anthem" style worship, popular nowadays as it keeps congs of all shapes, sizes and ages happy - as they don't have to learn too much complicated melody.  Meow.   Yes, grudgingly, I have to say I quite enjoy anthem style when part of the cong, but I think I would find it mighty boring if I was leading it myself.  Well, maybe I should try it and find out.  Still, this had me singing along to the chorus at the end, and sounds pretty good (and this version is loud for some reason - over modulating on my lap top) so I will say, it ain't half bad.

This song is available on Kingsway from today until 22nd October inc.  To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Must.  Be.  Patient.  Timing is everything, and I am so guilty of jumping in when the timing is all wrong.

Nearly there with one of the meetings though.  Intriguing that not only do I want to see them, they want to see me.

I don't know if this is some insight they've had into the situation, or maybe there is something very very important they have to say to me as well.

So.  Even more reason to be patient.  Double prayers over the weekend.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Kingsway 9th October

Title: Holy Spirit Living Breath of God
First Line: Holy Spirit living breath of God
Artist: Kristyn Getty
Composer:  Stuart Townend & Keith Getty
Album: Hymns For the Christian Life
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: SOF4

My thoughts: So it's the sainted Townend and Getty this week (cue loud heavenly choir).  I have loads of respect for the pairing, as you've probably already gathered, and the stuff they have done together, and separately, are a staple of my repetoire - if you can call it that!  You can feel a "but" coming on, can't you.  Yes, you're right.  But.  There was a series of hymns written by them, I think it was the Creed series, of which this is one, which are competent, pleasant, easy to pick up, easy to sing and....all sounding suspiciously like In Christ Alone or at least in certain passages, or have the same word structure, and are just a bit hohum.

Before you burn me at the stake for heresy, can I just repeat I love most of what they've written, I just think in some areas they've tried too hard.

I have a copy of this from Everlasting God, one of the Kingsway special compilations.  And after all the criticism above, I can say that this version, from the new Getty album, is the better.  The producers have made Kristyn sound like a heavenly angel - all ethereal and soft, and of course she has a jealousy-inducing-really-good-voice.  And yes, I do like this one to listen to.  But to me it isn't special enough to use, other than maybe during ministry times.

This song is available on Kingsway from today until 15th October inc.  To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Transition - Part two

Distracted at work today, too much going on in my head.

I’m excited, but sorrowful.  Trusting, but change is painful.

I thought I’d post today as a postscript to the rather weary post of yesterday.

“You’re free of me for a few weeks.” I said during a break in worship yesterday.  Was it a lie, when I’ve already made up my mind about the future?  Or am I being careful, and waiting until I’ve spoken to the key people first?  I’ve said I’m 99.9% certain.  I need to clear that 0.1% before I state what I know in my heart I have to do.  That may seem daft to some.

Today, I sent off an email to my mentors, asking to meet up next week – I expect it to be one of the most painful conversations of my life, I have a feeling there will be tears on all sides – I need to write down everything that has led up to this moment, else my resolve might weaken in the face of sentimentality.  There are two other very important people I need to speak to about it, one will not be clear on why I have to do this, and I need to make sure there are no rumours, no misunderstandings.  The reasons for doing this are not as clear cut as they think. The other person may question my motives.  But I cannot ignore the signals.

There were a couple of catalysts last week, but there was one very important catalyst which I needed – the starting gun.

I realised this morning that I heard it a couple of days ago.  It is fortunate I’m not running an actual race with others, I would be well behind.  I heard it on Saturday.  God spoke to me through one of the ladies praying for me.  You have the anointing.  You have the gifts, given to you by Me.  Use them, and be you.  Stop calling yourself a stand in or locum for this which I have given you.

It was the call to raise my sail.

In my church, there is little in the way of “congregational participation” – you basically have to try and encourage it and it is akin to pulling teeth.  For the worship session on Saturday, I decided to play “I will worship”, Ruis’s well-known “echo” chorus.  Different congregation, nobody from my church at all.  I decided if they wanted to participate, they would.  More chance there than my own church.

I sang the first line.  The echo was slightly croaky, and maybe slightly off key.  But it was there.  And to my ears, it was like the angels echoing back.  I was overjoyed.

That, and other things that have occurred since July have brought me to a final decision.

It is something I can no longer ignore.  I am taking a step of faith. 

Sunday, 7 October 2012


Worship this morning:

To God be the Glory
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind

One half of communion, then

When I Survey

The message, or most of it, then

Be Thou My Vision

The rest of the message, the other half of communion, then

Jesus, All for Jesus

An interesting mix of very old, and one somewhat more modern - that Atkinson/Mark one just seemed absolutely perfect.

I had my reservations about today.  Something happened in the lead up to it which got me a bit riled; it was all sorted by Friday night, but I didn't actually know until this morning what I would be playing and how it would shape up.

I had some tears during Be Thou My Vision, I don't know if they were tears of joy, fear or even guilt.  There are some changes ahead, I need to reposition.

This will be my last Sunday "worship" post for a while.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Kingsway 2nd October

Title: God my Rock
First Line: When my heart is overwhelmed
Artist: Brenton Brown
Composer: Brenton Brown, Paul Baloche
Album: God my Rock
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Too new
Popular sources: Too new...I think I can pretty much guarantee it will be in the next Kingsway publication though

My thoughts: To me, choruses and hymns fall into 4 broad categories; Praise, Worship, Praise Bridge (these include traditional hymns, they set the mood for the next half of the worship session) and Worship Bridge (set the mood for Worship and can be used to drift into the quiet time of the session).  The most valuable choruses and hymns are those that are, or can be adapted to be, 2 or more of the categories.  Brown and Baloche are an irresistable pairing, they haven't disappointed me yet, and this one not only is a very good Christian song, it is also both Praise Bridge and Worship Bridge, meaning it could go far - especially with me.   You can keep it at one speed, or break it right down at the end, wow I can just imagine it.   Itching to transcribe it already.  I've even added the God my Rock album to my Kingsway wishlist.

Great to get excited about something for a change, and there is definitely something about this one.  And a nice surprise - I thought it was going to be something from Bethel, but I didn't notice that Brown had a new one out also.  Maybe next week?  Or something from the Getty stable?

This song is available on Kingsway from today until 8th October inc.  To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.