Title: Holy Spirit Living Breath of God
First Line: Holy Spirit living breath of God
Artist: Kristyn Getty
Composer: Stuart Townend & Keith Getty
Album: Hymns For the Christian Life
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: SOF4
My thoughts: So it's the sainted Townend and Getty this week (cue loud heavenly choir). I have loads of respect for the pairing, as you've probably already gathered, and the stuff they have done together, and separately, are a staple of my repetoire - if you can call it that! You can feel a "but" coming on, can't you. Yes, you're right. But. There was a series of hymns written by them, I think it was the Creed series, of which this is one, which are competent, pleasant, easy to pick up, easy to sing and....all sounding suspiciously like In Christ Alone or at least in certain passages, or have the same word structure, and are just a bit hohum.
Before you burn me at the stake for heresy, can I just repeat I love most of what they've written, I just think in some areas they've tried too hard.
I have a copy of this from Everlasting God, one of the Kingsway special compilations. And after all the criticism above, I can say that this version, from the new Getty album, is the better. The producers have made Kristyn sound like a heavenly angel - all ethereal and soft, and of course she has a jealousy-inducing-really-good-voice. And yes, I do like this one to listen to. But to me it isn't special enough to use, other than maybe during ministry times.
This song is available on Kingsway from
today until 15th October inc. To access, you must logon; or register
with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but
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