Friday, 28 September 2012

A day in the life

Yesterday is a day for storing up in my heart.  It was very very special.  I always knew it was going to be - I just didn't totally appreciate my part in it.

It was an event I know that I will be asked to do again, gosh I loved the experience but mate am I tired today.  I was asked to lead worship before each of the three sessions, and do one or two choruses after each of the sessions, so 6 in total. 

I didn't do all I wanted to do, and one or two of the "rank outsiders" got an outing.  I was sorry that there didn't seem to be a place for Fellingham's "There is a day", but I did do "Bless the Lord O My Soul (10,000 reasons)" (I should point out, on the cards even before it turned up on Kingsway this week) - this for the first time for me (and without the thump-thump-thump, promise you it does work without), and also a beautiful worship chorus called "Ruach" - not so well known, but was appreciated.

The cong were so encouraging, loving everything even when it seemed that some choruses weren't as well known as I thought.

I need to get hold of the CD recordings of the speaker because it really wasn't sinking in properly - there were one or two things I picked up on, and I was prayed for after I finished my duties, but it would be good to listen to it all again and let the gospel sink in...and reminisce on the annointing...

Something special has happened, with me, over the last couple months, ever since stuff started going a bit pear shaped in early July.  Yesterday, I finally understood how much I had matured, and how important my calling is.

I cried out for some clarity as to my direction yesterday, I didn't seem to get an answer.  Maybe I'm just not ready for it.  Maybe I need a Word spoken over me that is the starting gun...

I'm going to bask a little, pray a little, get ready for tonight and tomorrow for an event that, for once, I'm not involved in ministry in any way, I can just enjoy the fellowship and food - physical and spiritual top up.

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