Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Kingsway 25th September

Title: Bless the Lord O My Soul (10,000 reasons)
First Line: Bless the Lord O my soul
Artist: Newday Live 2011
Composer: Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin
Album: 10,000 Reasons
Mp3: Yes
Sheet Music: Yes
CCL: Yes
Popular sources: SOF5

My thoughts: Every so often an artist will release something that has such a huge "WOW" factor, you almost feel you should say to them - "Stop there for a bit.  Ponder on what you've produced and come back in a year or so once you know it's really sunk in." - They often don't quit, and I sometimes wonder if it's to their detriment.  After producing something spectacular, their output is often mediocre at best.  Matt really has been up and down over the years, after releasing stuff that appealed to 90's yoof and older, and much of this has become standard Sunday fare in most charismatic churches, he went through a stage where a lot of his output was "hohum", then...this...  Although I don't think this has the kerpow that "Father's Song" had, this is a return to the anointing we all know Matt has.  I'm still unsure about that boom-boom-boom at the end of the third line in each verse (I think a drifting pause is best, Pink Floyd had one thing right at least - you don't necessarily have to have something occurring in a measure of music, silence is fine), and maybe the last verse does not have the same impact as the last verse of "Jesus! the name high over all" as is probably intended.  Don't know what it is, but I might feel a little awkward leading this particular verse - maybe it's the average age of my cong! This song also has sentimental value for me - it was introduced into a N Wales group by a fellow foot soldier and I so hope that she comes back into action soon...

Kingsway have offered this before - a few months ago, but it was sheet music only.  This time an mp3 has come with it - a fab Newday Live 2011 version and you can hear a wonderful peace descend upon the gathering whilst they are singing it.  It really is a good version, so pick it up whilst you have the chance.

This song is available on Kingsway from today until 2nd October inc.  To access, you must logon; or register with Kingsway, who in return will add you to their mailing list, but they are not serial spammers.


  1. Love this song having sung it in fairly youthful meetings of 600+ and small rather elderly meetings of 20-30. It always works well and I quite like the bass drum/guitarbody-rapping at the end of third line thing. Would'nt be the same without it! It helped me through a very difficult time a year ago... a classic. One older guy I know winces a little with the final verse but I've shared that day with someone very close and experienced the truth of incredible very powerful words. Somewhat obvious connection to Amazing Grace as well and both are now classics.

  2. Thump-thump-thump I think it must be a bloke thing :P, it makes me wince when I hear others try to copy it as if mandatory - even Redman himself in an interview said that it was his personal preference to do so, and no-one can seem to do it as naturally as him. Not sure if it will end up a classic or not, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ended up in the CCL chart in the next couple of years and stays there for a bit.
