Sunday, 9 September 2012


Someone read out that passage in 1 Corinth this morning - behold I show you a mystery etc.  It's odd (or maybe not) that the choruses I'm preparing lately have been on Revelations theme.  No, I'm not going to make anything of this, prophetically, but it is good to be reminded of this, where we will ultimately be, and united, despite having brethren missing from the mortal plane...

Worship this morning:

Men of Faith (which the leader loved this morning, awoke something in his spirit)
All I Once Held Dear
Be Thou my Vision
Into Your Hands
Jesus Be the Centre

Almost got carried away with this - it's almost heartbreaking for me to detach myself from it sometimes but I have to - else I'd be a little puddle on the floor.  The words are so appropriate to my circumstances at the moment.

It was good to feel fed this morning.  As I was yesterday.  But I have, potentially, 11 worship sessions this month and into the first week of October, 6 of which will likely be on my own.  2 down, 9 to go.  Informed Bossman this morning that I am, effectively, taking October off due to practical, logistical and personal reasons (i.e. I'll probably be at dropping point) but there are plans in October that I haven't told him about....

...I had an email the other day, and you know when you think you know someone really well, and you sense they are not telling you something because they're not sure themselves, but in your spirit you maybe have insight into what decision they're about to make...I may be totally off the mark anyway.  We'll see.

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