Sunday, 30 September 2012


Yesterday, someone prayed for me that, like a butterfly, I would carry God's beauty wherever I went.

Sounds a bit fluffy for me, I thought.

Worship this morning:

Jesus, We Celebrate Your Victory
Crown Him with many Crowns
I Will Offer up my Life (Thankful Heart)
Jesus Shall Take the Highest Honour  - the "chorus" only, drifting to...
Isn't He Beautiful - drifting back to the chorus of the former, and I added the cherry of..
I Sing Praises to Your Name

During prayer, it came out that I had blessed someone that morning - the guy who had come to open up!  My "warm-up" this morning was Rugged Cross (I tend to pick something at random, usually not something that's part of the main worship) - I was told that he had been touched by it and a seed had been planted and during the message I remembered..

..oh yes...the butterfly....

Some clarity has come at long last.  I need to finish the transition, and that's a butterfly analogy in itself.  I may have been seeing into another season - and I need to be ready for it first.

Somebody mentioned how tired I looked this morning, but encouraged me in the worship saying it was better than if I had been fresh - God's like that.  He gives you the energy even when you're ready to go back to bed.

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